
Welcome to Farmingdale State College’s Policy Library. This library is the official repository for all institutional policies and procedures and is intended to be a resource for faculty, staff and students seeking information related to the policies that govern the institution. This library does not contain department-specific policies and procedures. Please contact the department for specific departmental policies and procedures.

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Signage Policy

Policy Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to support and maintain a welcoming campus image and improve the on-campus experience for both regular users and visitors through a uniform and cohesive signage system.

Persons Affected

Faculty, Staff, Students, Third-Parties

Policy Statement

All signage on campus must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), New York State Fire and Building codes, and all other applicable state and federal regulations. Permanent and temporary signage must also adhere to the College’s approved style guidelines maintained by the Office for Marketing & Communications. The campus has the authority to remove signage that does not follow the guidelines set forth in this policy.

Permanent Signage

Requests for permanent signage, required to be affixed, installed, or painted must be submitted to Facilities Operations through the campus work order system. Examples of such signage include, but are not limited to: interior and exterior wayfinding signs, building directories, interior and exterior building identifications, and room and personnel identification signs.

Requests for regulatory and street traffic signs must be submitted to University Police who will coordinate installation with Facilities Operations.

Facilities Operations staff are the only personnel authorized to affix, replace, and remove installed signage.

Temporary Signage

Temporary signage may include, but is not limited to office hours signs, campus event flyers, informational documents, announcements, bulletins, posters, postcards, sandwich boards, etc. All temporary signage must clearly indicate the sponsoring group/organization and phone number or email address of a contact person, including who students may contact for reasonable accommodations. Temporary signage used to promote events not sponsored by Farmingdale State College must clearly indicate the sponsoring group and phone number or email address of a contact person and explicitly indicate that the event is not sponsored by Farmingdale State College.

The campus strongly recommends using the video bulletin boards placed throughout campus as the primary platform for temporary signage. Requests for slides on the video bulletin boards must be submitted to Information Technology following the procedures outlined below.

Temporary signage, not requiring installation, may be hung with care on appropriate bulletin boards and office doors. Temporary signage is not permitted to be affixed to walls, columns or other campus fixtures.

Temporary wayfinding signs, banners, and other informational signage for campus events such as Open House, Accepted Students Day, and Resident Student Check-in may be necessary. These signs may only be affixed or publicized during the event and removed no more than 24 hours after the event. Facilities Operations can assist with affixing and removing of such signage through a workorder placed in the workorder system.

Temporary signage prohibited from being posted includes without limitation: posting of promotional flyers or leaflets on doors, windows, trees, light poles, vehicles, bus stops, indoor and outdoor walls and in elevators; promotion of events that advertise alcohol or drugs or any event that violates the law and/or the Farmingdale State College Student Code of Conduct; chalking of buildings, sidewalks, or roadways; any promotional material not endorsed by a student organization, College program, department and/or unit. To maintain a safe and inclusive environment where everyone is respected and valued, the College also prohibits signs that compromise the safety of the FSC community, discriminate against others, encourage harassment, or contain content that undermines civil discourse, including the demonization of others

Postings may not be placed over current/valid postings of other organizations, and students are prohibited from removing or tearing down current/valid postings of other organizations. Multiple postings in the same location are prohibited.

Items posted that do not follow the policy guidelines will be removed. Repeated violations will result in a loss of posting privileges and possible disciplinary action.


Permanent Signage Installations

  1. Permanent signage, including building directories and wayfinding signs, must be created using style guidelines provided by the Office for Marketing & Communications Aries web page. For signage requiring special designs or graphics, such as maps, building directories, or custom projects, the Office for Marketing & Communications must be consulted at least 6 weeks prior to the date the design is needed in order to ensure conformity with the campus’ style guidelines.
  2. Requests for regulatory and traffic signs must be submitted to University Police at least 6 weeks in advance of the date the sign is needed. These requests must be submitted by an area Vice President.
  3. Requests for other types of permanent signage must be submitted to Facilities Operations via the workorder system by a department head. These include, but are not limited to:
    1. Room identification signs
    2. Personnel identification signs
    3. Interior and exterior building identification signs
    4. Interior and exterior wayfinding signs
    Such signage may take up to 6 weeks to create and install.
  4. For room and personnel identification signs, the FSC Room Identification Signage Form must be attached to the workorder.
  5. Replacement or removal of permanent signage must be made to Facilities Operations via the workorder system.
  6. Facilities Operations staff are the only personnel authorized to install or affix permanent signage on campus.

Temporary Signage

  1. Temporary signage, including office hours, flyers, informational signs, and wayfinding signs, must be created with the design templates, logos, and other style guidelines provided on the Office for Marketing & Communications Aries web page. For signage requiring special designs or graphics, such as banners, lawn signs, sandwich boards, or custom projects, the Office for Marketing & Communications must be consulted prior to design to ensure conformity with the campus’ style guidelines.
  2. To request a slide on the video bulletin boards, slides must be emailed to campusvbb@farmingdale.edu. Slides can be designed in any program that will enable you to setup the page size in a horizontal 16:9, 1920x1080 format and saved as a JPEG. PowerPoint and Photoshop are programs that can be used. For more information visit the Campus Bulletin Board web page.
  3. Temporary signage must be hung on appropriate bulletin boards and office doors with a temporary adhesive in a manner that will not cause damage to boards or doors.
  4. For assistance to hang banners and similar types of signage, a work order should be submitted to Facilities Operations via the workorder system.
  5. Temporary signs such as sandwich boards and lawn signs must be placed in appropriate locations and removed in a timely manner or within 24 hours after an event or activity. Facilities Operations should be referred to for questions regarding appropriate locations of such signage to ensure compliance with fire safety codes and other regulations.
  6. Student groups and organizations that need to post temporary signage for student-related events, meetings, and other announcements must contact Student Activities.
  7. Third parties utilizing campus facilities must request permission from the Office of Events Management to post, affix, or hang signage.
For more information visit the Facilities Operations web page.


Permanent Signage – Signage that is intended to be affixed, installed, or painted for a long period of time and serves the purpose for identification, direction, and information.
Temporary Signage – Signage that serves the purpose of information and direction intended for a short period of time.

Related Documents

FSC Room Identification Signage Form

Responsible Office

Facilities Operations

Policy History

Approved: January 12, 2021

Revised: August 20, 2024


Last Modified 10/14/24