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Faculty Compensation and Load Credit for Credit‐Bearing Internships

Persons Affected


Policy Statement

A. Compensation of the Instructor of Record:

  1. Faculty contact hour equivalents for the Instructor of Record
    1. 1‐3 students is Faculty Service
    2. 1 contact hour= 4‐7 students
    3. 2 contact hours = 8‐11 students
    4. 3 contact hours = 12 or more students
  2. A faculty member who serves as both the Instructor of Record and the On‐Site Supervisor will be compensated using the Faculty On‐Site Supervisor model (see below). The instructor of record compensation model will be used for all other instances.
  3. Faculty may carry over load credits until it is equivalent to one course. Preferably load credits will be utilized within one academic year and must be used within two years. This will be monitored by the Department Chair and School Dean.
  4. For summer or winter sessions during which a class runs with fewer than the required minimum enrollment : Faculty may be compensated based on the independent study rates as stated in the Academic Statement Policy on Compensation for Independent Study & Internships.

B. Compensation of Faculty On‐Site Supervisors of On‐campus (research‐based) Internships:
This role is different than being the instructor of record. The on‐site supervisor has a much greater time commitment dedicated to interaction with the student intern, including training and supervision of investigational projects in a research facility.

  1. Laboratory based research faculty on‐site‐supervisors:
    1. a stipend of $400 per student enrolled in a 3‐ or more credit internship course (Maximum student supervision is 3 students per semester including summer sessions) ‐or‐
    2. one contact hour toward load
  2. Non‐Laboratory‐based research faculty on‐site‐supervisor:
    1. a stipend of $200 per student enrolled in a 3 or more credit internship course (Maximum student supervision is 6 students per semester including summer sessions) ‐or‐
    2. one contact hour toward load (minimum 2 students)
  3. Faculty, wishing to be considered for compensation, will submit a Faculty On‐Site Supervision Application each semester to the Chair who will forward their recommendations to the Deans. Deans will then make recommendations to the Provost. Forms and deadlines will be posted on the Provost and Applied Learning websites.
  4. Faculty may carry over load credits until it is equivalent to one course. Preferably load credits will be utilized within one academic year and must be used within two years. This will be monitored by the Department Chair and School Dean.

C. Summer and intersession scheduling notes:

  1. Winter session courses are limited to single credit offerings therefore are not eligible for compensation.
  2. Summer session courses should be offered in sessions C or E.

1. Student assistants are paid employees that do not receive academic credit and therefore are not covered by
these policies.


Faculty Mentor: A faculty member, outside of the instructor of record, who provides additional expertise, support, and professional guidance to a student throughout an applied learning experience as a part of their faculty service.

Internship Coordinator: Faculty member who administers the internship program and oversees anyone instructing or mentoring internships within a department. For suggested tasks of an Internship Coordinator, please see the section in the Applied Learning Guidebook entitled "Internship Coordinator."

Instructor of Record: Faculty member who serves as the instructor in an internship course in which the student intern reports to an on‐site supervisor, either on‐campus or off‐campus. This faculty member should be familiar with the on‐campus host department, or the off‐campus host company or organization and the nature of the work that the student would perform. This person will negotiate internship duties with the on‐site supervisor and/or will approve duties proposed by the on‐site supervisor and student. In addition, the instructor of record will be responsible for overseeing work during the semester including communication with the student on a regular basis, documentation of internship hours, coursework, on‐site supervisor evaluations, assignment of the final grade, and assurance of the academic integrity of the applied learning experience.

Faculty On‐Site Supervisor: The faculty member responsible for an applied learning site on Farmingdale State College’s campus who is directly responsible for oversight of the student intern's learning, and performance, and for conferring with the Instructor of 3 | Page Record as well as reporting the student's progress. The Faculty On‐Site Supervisor is aware of the academic Applied Learning outcomes and knows of or has helped to formulate the applied learning activities that will be part of the fulfillment of the Learning Outcomes. Faculty on‐site supervisors participate in the hours of the internship or research experience alongside the student (in a lab, running subjects, collecting data, analyzing data, etc.) and/or through substantial weekly individual supervision.

The following is a guide to the expectations of Faculty On-Site Supervisors of such internships, especially if faculty compensation is sought for performing this role. The obligations of faculty supervision of one or more student interns in undergraduate research are itemized below:

  • Schedule regular meetings with each student intern to provide guidance and orientation to the research program to which the intern is assigned.
  • Assign outside reading in relevant literature to make the intern conversant with the field represented by the research project.
  • Personally train the intern in the techniques and procedures associated with the field of investigation.
  • Personally direct the intern in an investigational project following standard procedures to accumulate reportable data.
  • Work with the intern in the process of preparing a poster or publication of the investigational findings.
  • For undergraduate research projects in the laboratory sciences, there are additional obligations related to student safety:
    • Personally train the intern in good practices, including safety measures and emergency procedures. (Reports of such training should be forwarded to the Campus Environmental Health & Safety Officer.)
    • Ensure that a student intern never works alone in a laboratory setting. This can be achieved in one of two ways:
      • Provide direct supervision of the activities of the intern, especially in training activities in the conduct of any experiment involving complex procedures, fragile equipment, or risk of injury.
      • While the faculty mentor remains fully accessible within the same building, assign a second person (such as another member of the college faculty or staff or another student intern) to accompany the intern during routine and low-risk activities.

Time commitments associated with supervision of undergraduate research internships are reflected in the following policies:

  • The minimum number of combined instructional and supplementary hours per credit required by the State Education Department for an internship is 40-45. For a 3-credit internship of 135 hours, this would translate into a minimum of 9 hours per week over a 15-week semester. A comparable summer internship during a 12‐week E‐session would average 12¼ hours per week (taking into account summer holidays).
  • The faculty on‐site supervisor will therefore be expected to provide an equivalent number of contact hours with the one or more students in the internship: an average of 9 contact hours per week during the course of a semester internship or an average of 12¼ hours per week during the course of a summer internship.
  • The faculty on‐site supervisor should also certify the weekly time sheets of the student(s) registered for the internship to verify that the above hours of internship experience have been fulfilled, showing the hours devoted to:
    • Meetings or formal instructional time spent with the faculty mentor
    • Library research or other outside independent study
    • Hands‐on internship activity

Responsible Office

Office of the Provost

Policy History

Effective Date: 9/1/18


Last Modified 10/14/24