
Welcome to Farmingdale State College’s Policy Library. This library is the official repository for all institutional policies and procedures and is intended to be a resource for faculty, staff and students seeking information related to the policies that govern the institution. This library does not contain department-specific policies and procedures. Please contact the department for specific departmental policies and procedures.

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For assistance with drafting and amending policies, please refer to the Policy Writing Guidance and/or contact the Risk and Compliance Office at 934-420-5365.

Meals and Beverages Policy for State Appropriated Funds

Persons Affected

Faculty, Staff, Students, Third-Parties


Food and Beverage Policy: Payment of food and beverage expenses can be processed only if all of the following conditions are met:

1. The meeting or event is of benefit to Farmingdale State College (see Food and Beverage Allowability Chart).

2. The cost is reasonable and allowable.

3. Only proper Farmingdale State College personnel and guests are attending as approved by the area V.P.

4. Alcoholic beverages are not included in the cost.

5. Documentation of expenses is adequate and justified.

6. Appropriate adjustments in meal per diems are made for those individuals in receiving meal allowances in travel status.

Food and beverage purchases made with state appropriated funding (State Purpose [SP], Dormitory Income Fund Reimbursable [DIFR], Income Fund Reimbursable [IFR], or State University Tuition Reimbursable Account [SUTRA]) must be reasonable and allowable.

"Reasonable" means that the purchase must be made in a rational and cost-effective manner that a prudent person would make under the circumstances at the time the decision was reached. "Allowable" means that the function at which the food or beverages are consumed must be of essential benefit to the college and meet all other defining criteria. Please review the Food and Beverage Allowability Chart for further details concerning allowability. Alcohol is never an allowable expense when using state appropriated funds.

Payment Procedure

Payment for food and beverages can be made through two methods: purchase order or reimbursement.

Note: Farmingdale State College Procurement Card Guidelines prohibit the use of a P-Card for payment of meals or beverages.

When using the PO or reimbursement method, substantiation of the food and beverage purchase must be documented and must accompany the final payment request. The documentation must include the following:

1. Detailed purpose of the meeting or event. The detailed purpose statement must clearly state the relationship of the meeting or event to a category within the Food and Beverage Allowability Chart. An impartial 3rd party must be able to clearly understand the relationship of the purpose of the meeting or event to the selected category. Further, it must be clear to decipher how this expense was necessary and furthers the mission of the campus.

2. The date and location of the meeting or event.

3. The participants attending (names, title, company) and their relationship to the college (a sign-in sheet should be used if practical).

4. Clear identification of any alcoholic beverage (cannot be purchased with state funding).

5. New York State taxes paid. A tax-exempt form should be utilized. (New York State tax cannot be paid with state funding).

6. Brochures, programs, advertisements, and agendas related to the meeting or event.
