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Hazardous Waste Management Policy
Policy Purpose
To establish policies, work practices, and systematic procedures for the handling, packaging, collection, transportation and disposal of hazardous wastes that are regulated by law. Hazardous waste includes chemical and mixed hazardous wastes (regulated medical waste mixed with chemical waste). The goal of this policy is to ensure the proper and safe management (generation, storage and disposal) of hazardous wastes at Farmingdale State College (FSC), while applying the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)'s hierarchy of waste minimization: reduce, reuse, and recycle. In addition, the policy ensures compliance with federal, state and local regulations on proper handling of hazardous wastes.
Persons Affected
Faculty, Staff, Students, Third-Parties
Policy Statement
All hazardous waste generated at FSC shall be handled, packaged, collected, transported and disposed of in such a manner as to protect health and safety, assure compliance with environmental regulations and law, promote effective utilization of resources and contribute to and support the mission of the College. The College also supports and will strive to meet or exceed the waste minimization objectives stated in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and similar initiatives.
1. Work Practices
1.1.1. When packaging any type of waste for collection, allow head space in containers for expansion of vapors, as appropriate/necessary.
1.1.2. All materials that pose a potential puncture hazard (e.g., needles used for chemical pipetting, broken glass, and plastic-ware) must be packaged in puncture resistant containers prior to removal from the work area.
1.1.3. Special considerations shall be made for any/all waste that has the potential to generate pressure during container storage or if exposed to certain environmental conditions (i.e. temperature changes, humidity, etc.). Specialty containers or caps may have to be utilized. Please contact Environmental Health & Safety at x2105 for further instruction, as necessary.
1.1.4. Do not mix general, solid or non-hazardous waste with hazardous wastes (i.e. regular garbage, office trash, non-hazardous buffer solutions, etc.) or package in hazardous waste containers.
1.1.5. Non-water soluble materials and Hazardous Chemical Wastes such as Corrosives, Flammable Liquids, Carcinogens, Mutagens and other toxic or reactive chemicals shall not be discharged into any sanitary or storm drain systems.
1.1.6. Hazardous wastes must never be left on loading docks, freight elevator lobbies, hallways or any other unrestricted locations.
1.1.7. All hazardous wastes must be identified before being offered for disposal. Waste of unknown or incorrectly described composition presents for difficult handling and disposition and may require costly analysis before removal and disposal can be accomplished. In some cases, the cost of this analysis and disposal is the responsibility of the generator.
1.1.8. The generation of hazardous waste is to be minimized. Investigators are encouraged to develop and use validated experimental procedures that replace hazardous materials with non-hazardous materials, minimize generation of hazardous wastes, or result in effective treatment of wastes (as a result/part of the waste generating process itself) to reduce or eliminate hazardous characteristics.
1.1.9. Empty containers that once held chemicals or chemical waste must be clearly identified using the procedures described in section 4.1.1.
1.1.10. Before initiating treatment (e.g. elementary neutralization) of a hazardous waste, generators are requested to contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety to ensure that the proposed treatment process meets safety, regulatory, and record keeping requirements.
1.1.11. Do not fill waste containers above any established or marked fill line or to the point of overflowing. Overfilled containers cannot be safely transported or emptied and will be refused by the Office of Environmental Health and Safety and/or the Physical Plant personnel whom pick up and transport waste from point of generation to the designated hazardous waste storage facility.
1.2 General Information and Training
1.1.2.No hazardous wastes may be dumped down a drain, discharged to sanitary sewer, be discarded with regular trash or be allowed to evaporate to the atmosphere.
1.2.2. Only trained personnel may manage waste. Waste Management Training is required if an employee has the responsibility for:
- Determining if a material is a hazardous waste.
- Adding hazardous waste into an accumulation container.
- Transporting hazardous waste from a satellite accumulation point to a collection event or 180-day storage area.
- Inspecting hazardous waste storage areas.
- Responding to spills involving hazardous waste.
1.2.3. New employees may not manage or handle hazardous waste unless supervised. Employees must receive training in the management and handling of hazardous within six months of commencing work with hazardous waste.
1.2.4. Hazardous waste management training is provided by EH&S.
1.2.5. Hazardous wastes must be accumulated in areas at or near the point of generation (satellite accumulation area, or SAA) and that are under the control of the area supervisor.
1.2.6. No more than 55-gallons of a single waste stream may be accumulated at any one time.
1.2.7. No more than 1 quart of acutely hazardous waste (see Wastes and their Corresponding EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers) may be accumulated at any one time.
2. Labeling Instructions
2.1.1. All chemical wastes must be labeled with a FSC Chemical Waste Disposal Label as soon as waste is generated and added to the container (it is recommended to label the bottle prior to collection so as to avoid having to label it once waste has been added). If the waste or surplus chemical is in the original manufacturer's container, confirm the identity of the chemical and place a small (1” x 2”) “Hazardous Waste” label next to the original label (see Hazardous Waste Labels for examples of each label type).
2.1.2. If the waste is a mixture, identify the chemical waste constituents by proper chemical name including any deactivators/disinfectants used and the approximate quantity or concentration. Use of obscure acronyms, chemical formulas and brand names is prohibited.
2.1.3. For chemicals in containers that were previously used for other chemicals (i.e. stock bottles), mark a bold XXX through the original label, complete a FSC Hazardous Waste Label and attach over the original label.
3. Waste Segregation
3.1.1. Do not store incompatible materials near each other. Check incompatibility charts.
3.1.2. Store acids away from bases, active metals, oxidizers and chemicals which could generate toxic gases.
3.1.3. Store flammables in a flammable storage cabinet.
3.1.4. Do not mix flammables with oxidizers.
3.1.5. Store large bottles on low shelves.
3.1.6. Keep containers closed when not being filled.
3.1.7. Leaking containers must be transferred to another container.
3.1.8. Liquid laboratory wastes in un-sealable containers must be transferred into a container that can be securely sealed to prevent spillage. Whenever transferring a chemical into a new container, check to make sure that the chemical is compatible with (i.e. will not corrode, dissolve, or permeate) the container.
3.1.9. Waste streams should be kept as pure as possible. Before mixing chemical wastes, check to make sure all are compatible and will not react. If unsure about the type of container to use for a waste or if a waste can be mixed with other chemicals, consult with the Office of Environmental Health and Safety.
3.1.10. Bulk liquid laboratory wastes must be placed in containers that are compatible with the waste chemical and will prevent leakage of liquids and vapors.
3.1.11. Store containers in separate secondary containment whenever possible.
3.1.12. Chemical reagents in small containers, including vials and bottles of 100 ml or less, must be segregated by type and compatibility and may be packaged into a larger container, such as a strong cardboard packing box or pail and the outermost container can be labeled as opposed to labeling each individual label stored inside. Sort smaller containers by chemical compatibility using separate boxes or containers for each group, as needed.
4. Specific Hazardous Waste Handling
4.1.1. Contaminated Containers: All containers that held a hazardous material must be triple rinsed with water (or an appropriate solvent) to insure that the container has been properly decontaminated before disposal. Depending on the nature of the materials, the rinseate may have to be disposed of as chemical waste. Contact EH&S with questions. After the containers have been triple rinsed, remove the label or deface the original label with an indelible marker, paint or by placing a blank sticker over it. Drums can be marked as empty by writing "MT" with an indelible marker in a color that will be visible over the original label. Place a "Triple Rinsed" label or otherwise mark it as such on all rinsed containers if possible. Replace bungs, caps or other sealing devices and tighten. Remove grease, oil, and chemical residues from the exterior of all containers.
4.1.2. Contaminated Equipment: Equipment may intrinsically contain toxic chemicals (i.e. electrical transformers and capacitor units may contain PCBs) requiring special handling procedures, testing and disposal as chemical waste if the toxic chemicals cannot be removed. Scrap electronic equipment that contains hazardous components may be either recycled by a certified scrap dealer or be disposed as hazardous waste. Contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety for assistance prior to moving or handling such equipment.
4.1.3. Corrosive Acids and Bases: Certain acids and bases which are strong oxidizers, such as perchloric and nitric acid, or those that contain toxic metals, such as chromic acids, or those that form highly toxic salts, such as hydrofluoric acid, should not be neutralized and cannot be poured down the drain.
4.1.4. Flammable Liquids: Collect flammable liquids in appropriate flammable waste disposal containers.Collect halogenated and non-halogenated solvents in separate waste containers. Place only chemically compatible waste solvents in the container. Do not place solids, aqueous chemical wastes, concentrated halogenated solvents, phenol, heavy metal compounds, strong acids or bases, oxidizers or radioactive wastes in solvent collection containers unless they are mixed as a result of the waste generating process. If different solvents are added to a container, use a waste description list that can accompany the container. Identify solvent components by chemical name. Write in pencil; solvent splash and vapors quickly render inks illegible. Do not remove flame arrestor screens from solvent can spouts or prop spring hinged lids open these are important safety devices.
4.1.5. Flammable Solids: White Phosphorus and fine metal catalysts (i.e. palladium or platinum on carbon, platinum oxide and Raney nickel) should be stored under water.
4.1.6. Gases: Close and tighten valves and replace safety caps on cylinders. If the container is empty and not pressurized, write "EMPTY" on the container label. Identify the gas that was previously held in the container. Valves will be removed from empty gas cylinders before disposal. Contact supplier whenever possible to obtain guidelines for the shipment of cylinders to be returned. Contact EH&S for removal of orphaned cylinders. Always use a hand truck to move large, compressed gas cylinders.
4.1.7. Halogenated Solvents: Collect waste halogenated solvents in appropriate waste disposal containers and refer to section 4.1.4 above.
4.1.8. Non-Halogenated Solvents: Liquid solvents will be handled as flammable wastes outlined in section 4.1.4 above.
4.1.9. Oxidizers: Never mix oxidizers with easily oxidized organic or inorganic materials. Make sure that the waste container is compatible with oxidizers. Treat as hazardous chemical waste as described above.
4.1.10. Paint: Cans of oil-based paints that still contain liquids must be disposed of as hazardous waste. Latex or acrylic paint may be left to dry and discarded as regular trash.
4.1.11. Photographic Waste: A hazardous waste determination should be made for all photographic waste and unused photographic chemicals. Where applicable and feasible, a silver recovery system should be used to bring the waste below the allowable levels before discharge. Silver recovery units must be monitored and maintained to insure compliance with sewer regulations. Maintenance slips and hauling receipts must be kept by each department and forwarded to the Office of Environmental Health and Safety upon request.
4.1.12. Poisons/Toxins: Advise the Office of Environmental Health and Safety at the time a request for chemical waste pick up is placed if any poisons and/or toxins are to be removed that are listed as acutely toxic (see Wastes and their Corresponding EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers).
4.1.13. Solvent Contaminated Rags: All used oil, grease or solvent rags must be kept in an approved fire safety rag container or equivalent. Rag safety containers must be maintained in good working order. Solvent soaked rags must be kept in separate containers from oil/grease rags and managed as hazardous waste until it is sent out for laundering or disposed of as hazardous waste. Rag containers for solvent rags must be labeled with a "Hazardous Waste Label". Oil/grease rag containers must be appropriately labeled "Used Oily Rags". Those who collect solvent rags for laundering must provide verification that they transport used solvent rags in containers meeting the applicable DOT container requirements as contained in New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Policy DSH-HW-03-09 Regulatory Status of Laundered Industrial Rags & Soiled Clothing (provided in the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Policy DSH-HW-03-09 Regulatory Status of Laundered Industrial Rags & Soiled Clothing).
4.1.14. Surplus Chemicals: Containers of unopened, pure laboratory chemicals which are in good condition and no longer needed by an investigator may be held in the laboratory or other appropriate storage area for possible redistribution to other FSC laboratories. Contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety for guidance. Surplus chemicals should be properly sealed, labeled, and packaged for transfer. Investigators may opt to contact both the supplier and potential receiver of surplus chemicals directly. The actual transfer of the chemicals may have to be arranged by the supplier and receiver, in which case EH&S should be notified.
4.1.15. Temperature Sensitive: Wastes containing chemicals that require a special temperature range must be maintained by the generator at a safe temperature until they are removed for ultimate disposal. Advise the Office of Environmental Health and Safety at the time a request for a pickup is placed for chemicals requiring temperature control.
4.1.16. Unused Hazardous Drugs: Contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety with the names, amounts and manufacturers of the drugs that cannot be returned to the manufacturer for an evaluation of the proper methods for disposal.
4.1.17. Water Reactive: Make sure all containers are tightly closed. Seal caps with parafilm or filament tape. Certain water reactive chemicals, such as sodium and potassium, should be stored in mineral oil. Advise the Office of Environmental Health and Safety at the time a request for a pickup is placed for water reactive chemicals.
4.1.18. Used oil and other combustible petroleum-based products: Used pump oil, automotive oils and oil filters, or used oil from a known origin will be handled as nonhazardous and sent off-site for recycling whenever possible. Containers of waste oil with unknown origin will be tested for the presence of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) using the Clor-N-Oil 50 brand PCB screening kit. This kit uses EPA SW-46 Method 9079 to determine the presence of PCBs in the 0-50 ppm range. Oil that indicates the presence of PCBs will be disposed of as New York State regulated hazardous waste PCB oil. Waste oil that is suspected of containing PCBs may also be tested for PCB content using an outside lab. The lab will use EPA Method 8082 found in 49 CFR, No. 209 to determine the concentration of PCBs.
4.1.19. Miscellaneous: Any items contaminated with a hazardous chemical are assumed to have the same hazardous properties as the chemical, unless the items can be decontaminated or testing demonstrates that the items are not hazardous. This includes items used to clean up hazardous chemical spills. The type of decontamination or testing that has to be performed depends on the nature of the hazardous material. Contact the Office of Environmental Health and Safety for information on decontamination procedures and testing requirements. If the items cannot be decontaminated and testing is not performed, the contaminated items must be treated as hazardous waste. Discarded chemical products, off-specification chemicals, container residue and spill residues from acute hazardous wastes are assumed to have the same hazardous properties as the chemical and cannot be decontaminated. These wastes must be disposed of as acutely hazardous waste. Refer to 40 CFR Part 261.33 Acute Hazardous Wastes (P-Listed Wastes) provided in Wastes and their Corresponding EPA Hazardous Waste Numbers.
4.1.20. Wastes of unknown composition: Wastes of unknown or incorrectly described composition present difficult handling and disposal problems, and may require costly analyses before removal and disposal can be accomplished. "Orphan" reaction mixtures and unidentified chemicals left by departed laboratory workers are the most frequent source of unknowns. Investigators should label all stored reaction mixtures with the name and concentration of the chemical compound, date they were formed, the name of the investigator and a notebook reference. Laboratories are encouraged to institute a check out procedure that requires departing workers to identify all reaction mixtures and unlabeled chemicals that they have not discarded. In the case of a vacated investigator, the responsibility for the proper disposal of abandoned chemicals, identifiable or unidentifiable, lies with the investigator's department unless otherwise noted by EH&S. Farmingdale State College’s waste disposal contractor may be requested to perform limited field screening of unknown chemicals contained in small lab size containers, less than one (1) gallon liquid or one (1) pound solid, to determine proper disposal classification. Unknown chemicals present within containers greater than lab-pack size will require analytical testing for the following parameters: pH, flashpoint, reactivity, corrosivity, priority pollutant metals, volatile organic compounds, semi-volatile organic compounds, pesticides, herbicides and polychlorinated biphenyls.
5. Hazardous Waste Pickup Requests
5.1.1. When your container(s) is FULL, or you need your waste picked up for any reason, please submit a work order through the Physical Plant work order system. To access the work order system, click here. Once in the work order system, select "Moving & Trucking" from the category drop down feature, and then choose "Waste/Hazardous Materials" from the subcategory drop down menu. Please be as descriptive as possible in the "Description" section - tell us the TYPE(S) of waste you need picked up (i.e. acids, bases, flammables, assorted toxics, etc.), how many containers and of what size, etc.
5.1.2. IMPORTANT! You MUST COPY the EH&S Officer on ALL work order requests involving hazardous waste! Scroll down to the bottom of the work order you're creating and enter carterj@farmingdale.edu in the "E-mail Id(s) To Notify" field.
5.1.3. If you have ANY questions at all when completing your work order request, you may CALL the Environmental Health and Safety Officer at (934) 420-2105, or EMAIL ehs@farmingdale.edu or carterj@farmingdale.edu.
Contaminated Containers - Empty containers that previously contained a hazardous material and have not been triple rinsed.
Contaminated Equipment - Includes equipment that has been contaminated by external hazardous chemicals or contains an internal source of hazardous chemicals, such as PCBs in electrical transformers or capacitors, mercury in a sphygmomanometer or scrap electronic components (i.e. lead).
Corrosive - Aqueous waste that has a pH less than or equal to 2 or greater than or equal to 12.5 or is a liquid and corrodes steel at a rate greater than 6.35 mm (0.250 inch) per year.
Generator of Hazardous Waste - A generator of hazardous waste is defined as any person or site whose processes and actions create hazardous waste. In other words, a generator of hazardous waste is any person who discards regulated hazardous materials or agents or who produces hazardous waste as a result of a process. To assure the safety of all individuals who may come into contact with hazardous waste, the generator shall assume primary responsibility for properly identifying, segregating, handling, labeling, and storing hazardous waste prior to collection, transportation and/or disposal. It is the generator's responsibility to make certain that all waste packaging, handling and storage procedures ensure that the external surfaces of hazardous waste storage containers are free from contamination and physical hazards prior to removal from the work area. Any work that generates hazardous waste shall be performed in a safe manner and proper segregation of waste streams is necessary in order to allow safe and cost effective waste disposal.
Hazardous Waste - Any solid, liquid, gas or sludge that has at least one of the following characteristics: ignitable, corrosive, reactive, toxic or is specifically listed by the U.S. EPA as a hazardous waste.
Ignitable - Liquid waste (other than an aqueous solution containing less than 24 percent alcohol by volume) and has flash point less than 60 [deg]C (140 [deg]F); or, if it is not a liquid and is capable, under standard temperature and pressure, of causing fire through friction, absorption of moisture or spontaneous chemical changes and, when ignited, burns so vigorously and persistently that it creates a hazard; or, it is an ignitable compressed gas; or, it is an oxidizer.
Oxidizer - A substance such as a chlorate, permanganate, inorganic peroxide, or a nitrate, that yields oxygen readily to stimulate the combustion of organic matter.
Reactive - Any chemical compound, mixture or device that will detonate or deflagrate due to a shock or heat; or, a liquid or solid that, even in small quantities and without an external ignition source, can ignite within minutes after coming in contact with air; or, a material that, when in contact with air and without an energy supply, is liable to self-heat or spontaneously ignite; or, material that is liable to undergo, at normal or elevated temperatures, a strongly exothermal decomposition caused by excessively high transport temperatures or by contamination; or, any chemical that becomes unstable, generates pressure, forms a toxic by-product, or otherwise becomes hazardous at room temperature or following rapid temperature changes; or, any chemical that will react violently when exposed to water, including sodium and potassium.
Toxic - A solid waste exhibits the characteristic of toxicity if, using the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP), the extract from a representative sample of the waste contains any of the contaminants listed in Table 1 (provided in the Maximum Concentration of Contaminants for the Toxicity Characteristic) at the concentration equal to or greater than the respective value given in that table. A solid waste that exhibits the characteristic of toxicity has the EPA Hazardous Waste Number specified in Table 1 which corresponds to the toxic contaminant causing it to be hazardous.
Related Documents
Maximum Concentration of Contaminants for the Toxicity Characteristic
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Policy DSH-HW-03-09 Regulatory Status of Laundered Industrial Rags & Soiled Clothing
Hazardous Waste Labels
Wastes and their Corresponding EPA Waste Numbers
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