Welcome to Farmingdale State College’s Policy Library. This library is the official repository for all institutional policies and procedures and is intended to be a resource for faculty, staff and students seeking information related to the policies that govern the institution. This library does not contain department-specific policies and procedures. Please contact the department for specific departmental policies and procedures.
Please direct all questions regarding policy content to the Responsible Office listed on the respective policy.
If you wish to propose or amend an institutional policy, please review the Policy for Developing Institutional Policies and complete the Policy Proposal Form.
For assistance with drafting and amending policies, please refer to the Policy Writing Guidance and/or contact the Risk and Compliance Office at 934-420-5365.
Policy for Developing Institutional Policies
Policy Purpose
The purpose of the Policy for Developing Institutional Policies is to establish the procedure for drafting new, amending, or repealing existing policies and associated procedures in a consistent manner and for obtaining the approval by the President, and the College Council when required by NYS Education Law Section 356, before implementation.
Persons Affected
Faculty, Staff
Policy Statement
Farmingdale State College’s institutional policies and associated procedures connect the College’s educational mission to the everyday activities and functions of the College’s operations. Institutional policies, as defined below, are broad in application, ensure compliance with all federal and state laws, regulations, and procedures, mandate action, and pertain to more than one division. Their purpose is to clarify and define the College’s community standards, enhance efficiency and fairness, and mitigate institutional risk. The development of institutional policies shall adhere to the procedures set forth in this document. Institutional policies must be kept current, reviewed and evaluated on a regular basis, and reflect any changes in federal and state laws, regulations, and procedures, and made available to stakeholders in a timely manner.
The process described in this policy does not apply to divisional, departmental, office or unit specific policies, as defined below. However, such policies must also be compliant with all federal and state laws, regulations, and procedures, be formatted consistent with the College’s BRand Guidelines, and follow the Policy Writing Guidance.Procedures
A. Policy Proposal
- The individual proposing a new policy or a policy amendment shall draft the policy or amendment using the Policy Proposal Form and is responsible for seeking input from appropriate campus community members who can lend expertise.
- The policy proposal form, along with necessary policy procedures (hereafter both contained in the term “policy” or “proposed policy”) must be submitted to the Risk and Compliance Manager.
- If necessary, the Risk and Compliance Manager will share the policy with stakeholders and share stakeholder feedback with the person proposing the policy.
- A final draft of the proposed policy will be shared with Senior Administration, as appropriate.
B. Policy Approval
- The President or designee reserves the right to edit a proposed policy prior to approval and may consult with the Farmingdale Executive Committee and/or College Council, as he/she deems appropriate.
- Final approval will come from the President or designee after appropriate review. The Risk and Compliance Manager shall note the approval date on the policy.
- If the President or designee disapproves a policy draft, then it is deemed null.
C. Policy Publication
- All policies and procedures will be formatted consistent with the College’s Brand Guidelines.
- Policies will be posted on the website maintained by the Risk and Compliance Office, with links to such policies on the websites of the affected administrative offices.
- The Risk and Compliance Manager will coordinate with the responsible office to effectively and efficiently publish, distribute, and communicate the new policy and provide clarity of the policy as needed.
- Policies must be readily accessible.
D. Policy Review
- The responsible office should review and update policies as needed to ensure compliance with changing laws and regulations, to incorporate changes to processes and procedures, and to certify the policy is up-to-date.
E. Policy Updates
- On an as-needed basis, non-significant changes will be requested to or from the Risk and Compliance Manager in consultation with the responsible office. The Risk and Compliance Manager will note the date of such changes next to “Policy History” on the policy document.
- Substantive changes to a policy must be approved by the President.
- In special circumstances, it may be deemed necessary and appropriate to withdraw an existing policy or consolidate it with an existing policy. This request must be made through the Risk and Compliance Office.
- Substantive changes to this policy shall require a recommendation by the Vice President for Administration and Finance and Chief Financial Officer to the President and subsequent approval by the President. Once approved, the Compliance and Risk Manager shall record the date of revisions/amendments in the “Policy History.” The revised policy is subject to the stipulation in section C.1.
F. Compliance
- The Risk and Compliance Manager will manage and assure adherence to this policy.
G. Institutional-wide policies that pre-date this policy
- Policies that predate this policy remain in effect. In accordance with a schedule proposed by the Risk and Compliance Manager, all current college policies will be formatted for consistency with the College’s Brand Guidelines. Necessary policy changes during this process will be handled in accordance to section E of this policy.
Divisional/Department/Office/Unit level policies and procedures - Policies and procedures of divisions, departments, offices, or units that govern the internal operations of a department, unit or division in its implementation of its administrative duties and responsibilities.
Institutional Policy - An Institutional Policy meets the following criteria:
- It has broad institutional application;
- It supports compliance with applicable laws, regulations, executive orders, mandates from regulatory authorities or New York State control agencies, and/or SUNY Policies, promotes operational efficiencies and consistencies, reduces risk, and enhances the College’s mission;
- It mandates actions or constraints and contains specific expectations and procedures for compliance; and
- Pertains to more than one division or department of the college and/or requires institutional review and approval for policy issuance and changes.
Policy Procedures - The processes or steps necessary for implementation and adherence to an approved policy.
Policy Statement - Statement in a policy that summarizes the policy’s background and purpose, namely its core provisions and/or requirements. The Policy Statement may identify the institutional risk, how the policy supports or advances the College mission or value, or any federal or state legal, regulatory, executive order, policy or SUNY Policy requirements addressed by the policy.
Senior Administration – The President’s Cabinet, including Vice Presidents for Administration and Finance, Marketing & Communications, Student Affairs, Development and Engagement, Academic Affairs, and the Chief Diversity Officer.
Responsible Office - The institutional office, department, school, college, or division responsible for the programmatic, functional or administrative areas addressed by the policy and procedures and implementation and revisions of the policy and procedures.
Stakeholder - Department, unit, school, division, Farmingdale Executive Committee, student organization, advisory body, or others with a key interest in a potential new policy or amendments to an existing policy.
SUNY Policies - Policies and procedures promulgated by the State University of New York (SUNY) that apply to the College and/or across the SUNY System. SUNY maintains a collection of its Policies at: https://www.suny.edu/sunypp/.
Responsible Office
Risk and Compliance Office
Policy History
Date of Approval: September 3, 2019
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Amnesty Policy
- Aviation Flight Center Safety Policy
- Campus Policy For Preferred First Name
- Campus Policy for Animals Care and Use for Research
- Campus Policy for Assignment of Credit Hours
- Campus Policy for Transfer Credit
- Captioned Media Policy
- Faculty Compensation and Load Credit for Credit‐Bearing Internships
- General Education Requirements
- Grade Grievance Procedure
- Guidelines for Academic Standing for Matriculated Undergraduate Students
- Plagiarism Detection and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Planning & Conducting Distance Learning
- Policies for Academic Standing for Non-Matriculated Students
- Policy and Procedure Guide For Faculty Led Study Abroad Programs
- Policy for Recording Classroom Instruction
- Prior Learning Assessment Policy
- Professional Licensure Student Location Policy
- Research Integrity Policy
- Specially Designated Course Policy
- Student Attendance Policy
- Syllabus-Guide
- Writing-Intensive Requirement
- Acceptable Use Policy for Computer Facilities
- Additional Sick Leave Request Guidelines(a.k.a. Presidential Sick Leave)
- Affirmative Action Search Waivers Policy
- Also Receives Policy
- Alternate Work Arrangements Policy
- Alternate Work Location Policy
- Background Investigation Policy
- Chosen Identity Policy
- Civility and Bullying Policy
- Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Complaint Policy & Procedure
- Domestic Violence and the Workplace Policy
- Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy
- Extra Service Processing Procedure
- Farmingdale State College Consensual Relationship Policy
- Gender-Based Violence and the Workplace Policy
- Informal Resolution Policy
- Internal Promotion Policy
- Nepotism Policy
- New Position Justification
- Part Time Recruiting and Hiring Policy
- Policy for Addressing Formal Complaints of Sexual Harassment Under the Title IX Regulation
- Reasonable Accomodations for State Employees
- Reimbursement of Moving Expenses Policy
- Religious Accomodations Policy
- Sexual Harassment Response and Prevention Policy Statement
- Telecommuting Policy
- Tobacco Use Policy
- Volunteer Policy
- Workplace Violence Prevention Policy
- Acceptable Use Policy for Computer Facilities
- Banner Security Policy
- College Email Policy
- Copyright Guidelines
- Cyber Security Awareness and Education Policy
- Data Communication Network Security Policy
- Farmingdale Information Security Policy
- Farmingdale State College Privacy Policy
- GDPR Privacy Notice
- Guidelines for the use of Digital Material
- Retiree Email Policy
- Wired or Wireless Network Policy
- Chosen Identity Policy
- Farmingdale State College Consensual Relationship Policy
- Farmingdale State College Student Alcohol Policy
- Informal Resolution Policy
- Involuntary Leave of Absence Policy
- Personal Transportation Device Policy
- Policy and Procedures on Students Rights and Assembly
- Policy for Addressing Formal Complaints of Sexual Harassment Under the Title IX Regulation
- Refund Policy
- Request and Grievance Policy for Student Disability Related Accommodations
- Sexual Harassment Response and Prevention Policy Statement
- Student Immunization Policy