Welcome to Farmingdale State College’s Policy Library. This library is the official repository for all institutional policies and procedures and is intended to be a resource for faculty, staff and students seeking information related to the policies that govern the institution. This library does not contain department-specific policies and procedures. Please contact the department for specific departmental policies and procedures.
Please direct all questions regarding policy content to the Responsible Office listed on the respective policy.
If you wish to propose or amend an institutional policy, please review the Policy for Developing Institutional Policies and complete the Policy Proposal Form.
For assistance with drafting and amending policies, please refer to the Policy Writing Guidance and/or contact the Risk and Compliance Office at 934-420-5365.
Animals on Campus Policy
Policy Purpose
This policy ensures the health and safety of the Farmingdale State College community; preserves the integrity of the buildings and grounds; and supports a healthful educational and work environment that respects the rights of individuals by setting limitations on the presence of animals on campus.
Persons Affected
Faculty, Staff, Students, Third-Parties
Policy Statement
The following restrictions and requirements are established to address the issue of animals on college property, consistent with NYS codes and regulations.
- Animals are prohibited from all college buildings, athletic facilities, and outdoor events, unless otherwise permitted by this or other college policy.
- The following types of animals are permitted on college property, including college buildings, athletic facilities, and outdoor events, when necessary and appropriate:
- Service Animals as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act;
- Therapy or comfort animals approved by Disability Services
- Assistance animals when determined by Disability Services to constitute a reasonable accommodation for a documented disability; and
- Animals used by law enforcement or emergency personnel in the exercise of their official duties.
- Animals brought to campus as part of a college approved program is allowable as long as the animals have current proof of vaccination.
- The handler of any animal permitted on campus must carry proof of vaccination and license at all times.
- Fish in containers of ten gallons or less are allowed in non-research facilities with the approval of the department head. Larger fish tanks that have a connection to the programmatic mission of a department require approval by the college, pending a review of other relevant policies, codes and
- Animal exhibits (petting zoos, rides, etc.) may require an operating permit from Suffolk County Department of Health and must be pre-approved following procedure #5 listed below
- Domestic animals (any dog, cat, or tamed animal intended to be a pet or companion for a person) are otherwise permitted on college grounds.
- Individuals who bring animals on college property shall be held responsible for the cleanup of any waste products, including feces, and any damage (personal or property) inflicted by the animal. In addition:
- Animals shall not be left unattended and must be on a leash, rope or lead of not more than six (6) feet in length and held by a responsible person. (Note: service animals under the control of their handler may be off-leash, if the leash interferes with the service animal's work or the individual's disability prevents its use).
- The following activities are prohibited (except as stated above):
- Bringing wild animals or animals that are not domesticated onto college property.
- Feeding wild or stray animals, including feral cats.
- Abandoning domestic animals or relocating wild animals onto college property.
- Removal or tampering with any animal trap or other monitoring device set by an authorized department or agency.
- Fishing, hunting, trapping, collecting or otherwise taking wild animals from college property, except as part of approved activities.
- Removal or dead animals from campus without approval from the Physical Plant and/or University Police (Note: NYS DEC or other permits may be required).
- Individuals bringing an animal on campus for ANY disability related issue must first contact the Disability Services Center at 934-420-5174 prior to bringing the animal on campus. Instructions will be provided.
- All other requests to bring any animals on campus (not related to a disability) must contact University Police at 934-420-2111.
- In case of medical emergency related to an animal on campus, contact University Police at 934-420-2111.
- If you are faculty or staff, report violations of this policy to your department head who should contact Human Resources. University Police should also be notified of violations to assist with compliance.
- Individuals planning an animal exhibit must first contact University Police or Physical Plant prior to exhibiting.
University Police 934-420-2111
Disability Services 934-420-5174
Related Documents
NYS Code: 9 CRR-NY 300-3.1 Prohibited activities. (k) Animals. Americans with Disabilities Act
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
Responsible Office
Student Affairs
Policy History
Effective Date: 10/4/2017
- Academic Integrity Policy
- Amnesty Policy
- Aviation Flight Center Safety Policy
- Campus Policy For Preferred First Name
- Campus Policy for Animals Care and Use for Research
- Campus Policy for Assignment of Credit Hours
- Campus Policy for Transfer Credit
- Captioned Media Policy
- Faculty Compensation and Load Credit for Credit‐Bearing Internships
- General Education Requirements
- Grade Grievance Procedure
- Guidelines for Academic Standing for Matriculated Undergraduate Students
- Plagiarism Detection and the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- Planning & Conducting Distance Learning
- Policies for Academic Standing for Non-Matriculated Students
- Policy and Procedure Guide For Faculty Led Study Abroad Programs
- Policy for Recording Classroom Instruction
- Prior Learning Assessment Policy
- Professional Licensure Student Location Policy
- Research Integrity Policy
- Specially Designated Course Policy
- Student Attendance Policy
- Syllabus-Guide
- Writing-Intensive Requirement
- Acceptable Use Policy for Computer Facilities
- Additional Sick Leave Request Guidelines(a.k.a. Presidential Sick Leave)
- Affirmative Action Search Waivers Policy
- Also Receives Policy
- Alternate Work Arrangements Policy
- Alternate Work Location Policy
- Background Investigation Policy
- Chosen Identity Policy
- Civility and Bullying Policy
- Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Complaint Policy & Procedure
- Domestic Violence and the Workplace Policy
- Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Policy
- Extra Service Processing Procedure
- Farmingdale State College Consensual Relationship Policy
- Gender-Based Violence and the Workplace Policy
- Informal Resolution Policy
- Internal Promotion Policy
- Nepotism Policy
- New Position Justification
- Part Time Recruiting and Hiring Policy
- Policy for Addressing Formal Complaints of Sexual Harassment Under the Title IX Regulation
- Reasonable Accomodations for State Employees
- Reimbursement of Moving Expenses Policy
- Religious Accomodations Policy
- Sexual Harassment Response and Prevention Policy Statement
- Telecommuting Policy
- Tobacco Use Policy
- Volunteer Policy
- Workplace Violence Prevention Policy
- Acceptable Use Policy for Computer Facilities
- Banner Security Policy
- College Email Policy
- Copyright Guidelines
- Cyber Security Awareness and Education Policy
- Data Communication Network Security Policy
- Farmingdale Information Security Policy
- Farmingdale State College Privacy Policy
- GDPR Privacy Notice
- Guidelines for the use of Digital Material
- Retiree Email Policy
- Wired or Wireless Network Policy
- Chosen Identity Policy
- Farmingdale State College Consensual Relationship Policy
- Farmingdale State College Student Alcohol Policy
- Informal Resolution Policy
- Involuntary Leave of Absence Policy
- Personal Transportation Device Policy
- Policy and Procedures on Students Rights and Assembly
- Policy for Addressing Formal Complaints of Sexual Harassment Under the Title IX Regulation
- Refund Policy
- Request and Grievance Policy for Student Disability Related Accommodations
- Sexual Harassment Response and Prevention Policy Statement
- Student Immunization Policy