Academic Advisement Handbook


On behalf of the Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC), we would like to congratulate you on pursuing your dreams and goals through higher education. The Academic Advisors will help you develop the strong academic foundation you need to succeed at Farmingdale State College.

Transitioning from high school, military, or full-time work can present some challenging times. The AAIC is a hub of activity, support, and essential resources to ensure the academic success of all students at FSC. 

This handbook will help you throughout your entire college career. It contains important information on everything from selecting and preparing for your classes, examples of typical first semester schedules, and listings of student support services and resources on campus. Paired with the guidance from the Academic Advisors, you can feel the comfort that support is there when it is needed.

Some of the specific ways the AAIC can assist you are:

  • Academic advisement, planning, the course selection, and registration
  • Using OASIS and Degree Works for course registration and degree audit 
  • Identifying and locating your assigned academic advisor
  • Campus resources for academic success
  • Workshops and programs offered to enhance college skills: test-taking, study skills, and time management workshops. 
  • Eligibility requirements for academic majors
  • How to change your major or declare a minor 
  • Identifying and completing necessary academic and administrative forms (e.g., curriculum change, course withdrawal) 
  • Advisement for students on academic warning and academic probation 
  • Advisement for recipients of an Early Warning letter
  • First-Year Experience – easing the transition to Farmingdale
  • Search for internal and external scholarships
  • Search for Study Abroad opportunities
  • Determining eligibility requirements for academic honor societies
  • Guidance for Non-Matriculated students

When in doubt, be sure to obtain correct information and advice by turning to the AAIC.

We sincerely hope you enjoy your first year at FSC. If you have any academic questions, please feel free to contact our office at any time.

The Academic Advisement and Information Center (AAIC)
Greenley Library, Lower Level 
(P): 934-420-5160

Academic Freedom is an important value that is protected at Farmingdale State College.  Each student has the freedom to explore new ideas and subjects. Each student has the freedom to join clubs and to speak out about and debate important issues.  But with freedom comes responsibility. Each Farmingdale student has an important responsibility to care about other members of the Farmingdale Community.  All students at Farmingdale State College are expected to practice civility, mutual respect, and inclusion.  They are also expected to comply with the College's Academic Integrity Policy.

Each member of the Farmingdale State College campus community is expected to maintain academic integrity.  Farmingdale State College has developed regulations concerning academic dishonesty and integrity to protect all students and to maintain an ethical academic environment. This includes prohibiting any form of academic dishonesty as outlined below. 

Academic dishonesty cannot be condoned or tolerated in a college community. Such behavior is considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, and students found guilty of committing an intentional act of fraud, cheating or plagiarizing will be disciplined and face penalties. 

The College regards academic dishonesty as an intentional act of fraud, in which a student seeks to claim credit for the work or efforts of another individual without correct documentation, or uses unauthorized, undocumented, or fabricated information in any academic exercise. 

The College also considers academic dishonesty to include forging of academic documents, intentionally impeding or damaging the academic work of others, or assisting other students in acts of dishonesty.  Academic dishonesty is divided into four categories which are defined as follows:

  • Cheating: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials (including all electronic devices), information or study aids in any academic exercise.
  • Fabrication: Unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.
  • Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: Knowingly helping someone commit an act of academic dishonesty.
  • Plagiarism: Intentionally representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise. This includes words or ideas in either print or electronic format. 

Academic dishonesty is morally wrong, and such behavior interferes with learning and intellectual development. Therefore, all members of the campus community have the responsibility to prevent dishonesty, protect honest students, and enforce campus policies.  These responsibilities include but are not limited to the following:

Faculty members have the responsibility to establish standards of academic integrity and disciplinary policies in cases of academic dishonesty (consistent with the standards and policies of the College) and to include a statement of those standards on their course syllabi.  

Students have the responsibility to abstain from academic dishonesty or facilitating the dishonest behavior of others. 

Violation of the academic integrity policy is strictly prohibited and may result in a disciplinary action ranging from a warning letter to probation, suspension, or dismissal from the College with a permanent transcript notation. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct Article IV and V.

It is strongly recommended that any violation of the academic integrity policy be reported to the Dean of Students.  Individual Departments are encouraged to establish appropriate disciplinary procedures and to make certain that the criteria are understood and enforced by both full-time and part-time faculty.

Before you will be permitted to register for classes, you MUST first provide our Health and Wellness Center with proof of your immunity to measles, mumps and rubella as well as a meningitis waiver form or proof of meningitis immunization.

It will not be difficult for you to provide us with that immunization proof. All high schools, colleges, physicians and the US military are authorized to send such records directly to Farmingdale. So, act now. Contact your school nurse or physician and request that they send proof of immunization to the Farmingdale Health and Wellness Center: 

  • Send a scanned document to:
  • Fax to: 934-420-2137
  • Mail to: Health and Wellness Center, Farmingdale State College, 2350 Broadhollow Rd, Farmingdale, NY 11735 

Alternatively, have your physician complete the IMMUNIZATION FORM found on the FSC Health and Wellness Center website, and send it to the Farmingdale Health and Wellness Center. 

In addition, please send the MENINGITIS WAIVER or proof of meningitis immunization. The waiver form is found on the FSC Health and Wellness Center website.

As soon as we receive those documents you will be permitted to work with your academic advisor and register for courses for your first semester at Farmingdale State College. 

Go to Academic Calendar 2023-2024

Accelerated Saturday classes meet 11 times and meet for 68 minutes for each hour of instruction. Saturday classes meet 14 times during the semester and meet for 54 minutes for each hour of instruction.

Regular classes meet 15 times and meet for 50 minutes for each hour of instruction.

Online and hybrid classes contain the same amount of academic activity as provided in a traditional setting and in accordance with the credits assigned.

Special arrangements must be made between a student and instructor, or between a faculty or staff member and their department chair or supervisor, for religious observances.

*For the Financial Refund schedule, refer to the Student Accounts web page.

**December 11th may be utilized as a campus study day/make-up day, at the discretion of the campus administration. An individual make-up day may be utilized at the discretion of an individual instructor.

**May 10th may be utilized as a campus study day/make-up day, at the discretion of the campus administration. An individual make-up day may be utilized at the discretion of an individual instructor.

Please note that this printed academic calendar is subject to change.  Check the Farmingdale State College website for the most current schedule. 

To make the transition into college a smooth and easy one, here are some essential tips and suggestions to help you with your preparation:

Figure out your commute/travel route – Before classes start, do a trial run before you will be going to school so you can determine how much time you will need. 

Parking – Parking can be harsh on the first day. Make sure you give yourself enough time to find a parking spot. 

Locate your Classrooms – It will take at least 15 minutes to walk from the parking lot to your classroom, so plan and be sure to get to your classroom early.

Bring a notebook and pens/pencils – Again, this sounds logical, but you would be amazed as to how many people forget to do this. (We recommend bringing a folder with pockets for handouts. There will be handouts on the first day.)

Dress Appropriately – There will be a lot of walking on your first day, maybe every day of class. Check the weather and be sure to wear appropriate clothing and comfortable shoes.

  • Get your FSC ID card – Go to University Police Headquarters to take your picture and be issued your first FSC ID card. The first one is free. You may need this for identification in case there is an error on the professor’s roster.  It is also used to purchase/order your textbooks and to check books out of the library. You can add money to your ID card like a debit card for tax-free food purchases on campus. Go to the Meal Card Office to the left of Starbucks in the Campus Center to set up your debit account for food.
  • Get your parking pass – Visit the University Police webpage and register your car. Use the receipt to serve as your temporary pass until the official one arrives in the mail. Ensure that your parking sticker is placed at the appropriate spot on your car and parked in the designated areas for students.
  • Finalize your schedule/pay your bill
    1. Stop by Financial Aid – to view/accept grants, loans, or work-study awards
    2. Stop by Student Accounts – to make a payment/set up a payment plan
    3. Stop by the AAIC or Registrar – to add or drop classes
  • Purchase your textbooks – See the bookstore website ( or visit the bookstore located in the Campus Center to check what textbooks your professors have assigned.  You can also access a list of your required books through a link on your OASIS account. Get some new FSC gear to show off your school pride while you are at the bookstore.
  • Activate your meal plan in the Campus Center Dining Office – All purchases made using a meal plan (on your ID card) are tax exempt.
  • Get Health Insurance – Farmingdale State College offers a Student Health Insurance Plan underwritten by Nationwide Insurance Company and administered by Consolidated Health Plans.  The yearly rate is competitive and offers a full range of hospitalization and medical coverage.  This plan is ideal for those students who are currently not insured and students who are currently insured and are looking for a more economical alternative.  It is offered to all students (full-time and part-time) who wish to join.
  • Attend the Opening Activities – Meet new people and make new friends! Check out the events!

Moving from high school to college means that there are new things you should become familiar with. The following charts help you transition into college life and succeed in this new adventure.

The following services are offered free of charge to current students at Farmingdale State College.

*Please note that ALL VETERAN STUDENTS with questions regarding academic policies or VA benefits are to go to the Registrar’s Office, located in Laffin Hall, Room 225. 
Located: Greenley Hall, Lobby Level (Southside Outside Entrance)
934-420-2296 |

The Nexus Center helps students connect to opportunities, including jobs (part-time, full-time, summer, post-grad) and Applied Learning experiences, such as internships for academic credit. By integrating Applied Learning and Career Development, students hone their skills, enhance professional networks, and become stronger candidates for employment.

Applied Learning involves applying classroom knowledge and skills in practical hands-on environments, including internships, clinical placements, practicums, community service, undergraduate research, and study abroad.

All students entering FSC in catalog year 2019-20 or later will be required to fulfill ten hours of approved Applied Learning activity in either designated Applied Learning courses or approved Co-Curricular Activities. 

For additional information about Applied Learning and how to satisfy the graduation requirement, visit:

To review internships for academic credit and other approved Applied Learning opportunities, log-on to the Axiom Mentor Applied Learning Database:

Services include career and applied learning counseling, resume and cover letter review, workshops, career assessments, and networking events. 

Register for a CareerConnect account to:

  • Schedule an appointment with a Career Counselor                                 
  • Submit your resume and cover letter for feedback
  • View and apply to job postings
Visit for more information.

The Disability Services Center (DSC)'s goal is to assist students with disabilities to function as independently as possible, and to ensure a comprehensively accessible university experience where individuals with disabilities have the same access to programs, opportunities, and activities as all other students at the college.

Make an appointment today to see how we can help
Contact: Lisa Stagnitta | 934-420-5174 | Sinclair Hall, Main Office Room 182    

“Disability” will mean something different to each student. 

Do you have a disabling “medical condition”?

Autoimmune illness              Concussion          Seizures
Diabetes                                  Lupus                   Ulcerative colitis
Migraines                                Crohn’s                JRA, IBS, TBI or other

If your health issues have been the cause for missing classes, you may be eligible to receive accommodations. Contact the Disability Services Center for more information.         

Do you have a learning disability, or ADHD, or ASD?

To review our guidelines for documentation, follow these steps:
Step 1.
Visit our main website at  
Step 2.
Using navigation on the left side of the page, select “Guidelines for Documentation.”

Be sure to visit the Disability Services Center website to learn more about our unique Orientation and Transition Workshops held each August and January.
New workshops are being added each year.

The Health and Wellness Center provides high quality and cost-effective medical and wellness services utilizing a holistic philosophy.  Services provided include physician visits, women’s health visits, nursing assessments, alcohol, and substance abuse counseling, emergency first aid, chiropractic care, massage therapy, and acupuncture. All of these programs are provided at little to no cost out-of-pocket to enrolled students. The Health and Wellness Center utilizes a multidisciplinary approach to wellness in order to help students become partners in their own healthcare and meet the needs of our diverse student population.  The HWC is committed to supporting the physical, mental, and emotional needs of students by adhering to the most recent evidence-based guidelines.  

Please check the website to check the schedule for the Clinic and Women’s Health Services.

Sinclair Hall Room 160
Day: 934-420-2006 | Night: 934-420-2111
Hours: Monday – Friday 9 AM to 5 PM, evenings by advance appointment only

College life, on- and off-campus, for many of us can provide challenges we don’t anticipate. Campus Mental Health Services offers a wide range of counseling services to all students. These services are free of cost, and we strictly adhere to the highest standards of confidentiality. Counseling is offered for individuals, couples, and groups, and every effort is made to arrange meeting times to fit with a student’s academic schedule. At different times in our lives, there are many various reasons to seek counseling. We are available to help you with the following challenges (this is by no means an inclusive list):

  • Anxiety, stress, and anger management
  • Coping and problem-solving skills
  • Relationship issues and family crisis, trauma, and loss
  • Depression
  • Adjustment to college life and living, communication skills
  • Substance use and abuse, habit disorders

Campus Mental Health Services serves as a liaison and information source for students whose needs may best be met with resources in the local community. We strive to be available for a prompt response to urgent personal and community situations that may arise. Any critical concerns that occur outside regular business hours should be directed to University Police at 934-420-2111, who will then make direct contact with Campus Mental Health Services.

For more information please check the website.

Registration involves you, as well as your Academic Advisor!
Registration happens in late October and mid-March. The precise dates are announced through email and are based on earned credits. Work with an Academic Advisor to:

  • Use online portals to help you understand the requirements of your academic major
  • Select general education and core courses
  • Explore career possibilities
  • Identify specific Farmingdale State College resources of particular use to you

OASIS (Online Administrative Student Information System) is an easy-to-navigate online portal where students can: 

  • find course offerings 
  • register for courses
  • identify required books
  • review college transcript
  • review financial aid package

Once you have received your Ram ID number, go to OASIS. Follow the directions carefully – once you have logged on you can maneuver through and register for courses.  

  • As you browse through listings in the online course schedule, you’ll notice that many courses have multiple sections. Sections are versions of the course that meet on different days and times.
  • You can search courses by academic discipline and identify regular, hybrid, and online sections of courses.
  • Each section has a unique five-digit number called a Course Registration Number (CRN). This is a critical number to know—you must have it to register for a course. As you choose courses, keep track of the CRNs for the course sections that you want.
  • In most majors, after meeting with an academic advisor, you will receive an alternate PIN number that you will use to register.

Holds are put in place to pause your registration for various specified reasons. If you have a hold on your account, you have to clear the hold before you can register for classes. 

How to view/understand holds:

  • Log into your OASIS Account (see above for instructions)
  • In the main menu, click PERSONAL INFORMATION
  • Next, click VIEW HOLDS
  • To understand the different types of holds, please go to IMPORTANT COLLEGE TERMINOLOGY, located in the back on the book, for more accurate descriptions.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Acceptance generates your E-Mail account
Your email account will be generated within a couple of days after acceptance. Please log into the Application Portal to see it displayed and for instructions on how to set up your password. Please check your FSC e-mail account frequently. This email account is the main method that FSC uses to send important information to you.  In addition, faculty, and staff at FSC will only respond to correspondence sent from official FSC e-mail accounts. 

Login to your email at: (which will also give you access to Google Docs and Google Calendar).

This is a personalized, user-friendly advisement tool, easily accessible through the college’s website. It can be used to track a student’s academic progress toward a degree, to plan the courses to complete a degree, and to compare credits from one major to another if seeking to change degree programs. 

  • Students receiving financial aid assistance, and/or TAP/Pell awards, should meet with an academic advisor, as well as a financial aid advisor, to ensure all qualifications are met towards award.
  • Only courses that apply to your current academic program can be included to determine your eligibility for federal and state financial aid.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to continually monitor your degree progression, using DegreeWorks.  
  • If you find any errors or discrepancies in your DegreeWorks audit, please notify the advisement office immediately.  
  • Any changes or adjustments made towards your degree must be submitted prior to the end of the “Change of Schedule” period.


  • On-line course management systems where most professors post information and assignments
  • Can be utilized in on-line, hybrid, & in-person courses
  • Brightspace can be used to:
    • Post course syllabus and assignments
    • Administer surveys, quizzes, and tests
    • Send and receive course e-mail
    • Post messages to threaded discussions and chat rooms
    • Upload assignments using online drop boxes
    • Check your progress and grades at any time during a course
    • Create groups and teams for project or committee work. 

To log in to Brightspace, please go to the following web address:
Your Username and Password are the same as your Farmingdale email account.

The Board of Trustees of the State University of New York has mandated that students in baccalaureate, associate in arts, and associate in science degrees, as a condition of graduation, must complete an academically rigorous and comprehensive core General Education curriculum of no fewer than 30 credits.  Students must show competency by taking at least three credit hours each in basic communications and mathematics, and will demonstrate overall competency in the areas of critical thinking and information management.

Farmingdale students in mandated programs are expected to earn 30 SUNY General Education Requirement (SUNY-GER) credits by completing one or more courses in each of the following areas:

  • Communication - Written and Oral
  • Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice
  • Mathematics and Quantitative Reasoning
  • Natural Sciences and Scientific Reasoning
  • Arts
  • Humanities
  • World Languages
  • Social Sciences
  • World History & Global Awareness or US History & Civic Engagement

At Farmingdale, EGL 101 Composition I: College Writing and EGL 102 Composition II: Writing about Literature, with a grade of C or better, are College requirements. EGL 101 also currently fulfills the requirement for the Communication competency area.

Certain programs may require additional general education courses as part of the required courses in the major.

Critical Thinking and Information Management are infused throughout Farmingdale’s General Education program.  All baccalaureate programs address specific computer literacy requirements as part of the curriculum and the college catalog states: “To meet the diverse needs of its programs, and in the spirit of providing a liberal education to all students, the College requires that each student receive some type of computer instruction before being awarded a degree.”

Based on the requirements in the major, our Bachelor of Technology programs will have varying requirements which will satisfy the SUNY mandated requirements for general education. Additionally, some majors may have SUNY approved waivers. Please speak with your advisor to select the courses to satisfy the general education requirements specific to your program. 

The General Education Competency Areas with the courses which have been approved to fulfill the student learning objectives in each of the areas listed on the pages that follow:

NOTE: All General Education courses that do not have prerequisites and thus are available to first semester students are highlighted in bold in the lists that are found on the pages that follow. The list of General Education courses changes over time, so check with your advisors to be sure that these courses still count, and whether new ones have been added.

* This Chemistry Lab qualifies for credit towards the General Education Program when taken with Chemistry 111.
** These Physics Labs qualify for credit towards the General Education Program when combined with any Physics course numbered 110 through 123. Each lab carries 1 credit.
*** Students who take GIS 101 may not receive credit for GEO 110 or Students who take GEO 110 may not receive credit for GIS 101

Note: Courses highlighted in BOLD do not have prerequisites

For placement in EGL 101 Composition: College Writing 

For placement in EGL 097 Basic Writing Skills


First-time college students who do not have SAT or ACT scores are required to take the college’s writing placement test, administered by the Admissions Office and graded by English Department faculty.

For more information, go to on the FSC website, or call the Placement Testing Office: 934-420-2629. Students who need special accommodations for testing should contact the Disability Services Center at 934-420-2411 to make a request.

Students who arrive with University in the High School or other transfer credit for EGL 101 will be placed in EGL 102, Composition II: Writing Literature.

English requirements for Graduation:

The completion of EGL 101 (Composition I: College Writing) and EGL 102 (Composition II: Writing About Literature) with a grade of C or better are graduation requirements for all students at Farmingdale State College. Additionally, students enrolled in baccalaureate programs are required to complete a writing intensive course with a grade of C or better as outlined in their program of study. Students should consult with their program advisors to ensure that all requirements for graduation have been successfully satisfied
(as outlined on page 23 of the College Catalog).

Most first-time students are placed in mathematics courses based upon their performance in high school and on New York State Regents Examinations in Math.  A transfer student who has received credit for mathematics courses taken at another college will be placed at the highest Math Placement (MP) level satisfied either by those courses or by the student’s high school Regents/pre-calculus performance.  As explained below, there are some instances where a new student will be required to take the College’s placement test in mathematics.*

*For the year 2023-2024, the Admissions Office will place students at math levels based on their highest-level completed in high school and the cumulative of the year’s quarterly grades. 

* The following students are required to take the College’s math placement exam to determine their mathematics placement level:

  1. Students who graduated from high school more than five years from the time of application for admission and had not passed any college mathematics course at time of application.
  2. Students from outside New York who have not taken a NYS Math Regents Examination and who have not passed high school pre-calculus or any other credit-bearing college mathematics course.

These students should visit on the Farmingdale website to schedule the exam. Students who need special accommodations for testing should contact the Disability Services Center at 934-420-2411 to make a request.

Farmingdale State College offers instruction in the following languages: Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. 

As explained in the previous General Education section of the handbook, students need to complete one foreign language course.  Additionally, the following programs require a minimum of Level II proficiency to meet graduation requirements:

  • Liberal Arts and Sciences (AA)
  • Applied Psychology (BS)
  • Dental Hygiene (BS)
  • Global Business Management (BS)
  • Nursing (BS)
  • Science, Technology and Society (BS)

Note: Students in Bachelor of Technology (BT) and Associate of Science (AS) degree programs are exempt from the foreign language requirement. However, if they choose foreign language as one of the competency areas, then they are subject to these language guidelines.

The following provisions exempt a student from the Level I and Level II language requirements.

  • A student who has documentation of completion of primary education abroad in a foreign language other than English. This documentation must include a certified translation.  
  • A New York State Regents Exam score in a foreign language of 85 or above. Alternatively, a score of 85 or higher on the FLACS, LOTE, and SLP Point B exams.  (Note: Students in STS are only exempt from Level I.) Students who are exempted from the foreign language requirement based on these test score may be required to take a higher level foreign language course or a foreign language culture/cinema course taught in English and offered through the Modern Language Department in order to satisfy the credit requirements of their major.  Students should consult with their academic advisor regarding this matter.
  • Advanced Placement examination in a foreign language with a score of 3 or above.
    International Baccalaureate examination in a foreign language with a score of 4 or above.
  • A CLEP exam score of 50 or above.
  • An accepted score on a standardized language test offered by the College. The Modern Languages Department offers Credit-by-Evaluation or Language Proficiency Exam for native speakers with life experience. The exam is offered in the following languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Mandarin), Ethiopian (Amharic), Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Turkish, and Urdu.
  • If the language proficiency test is not offered at Farmingdale, the student must take a language test administered by the Foreign Language Proficiency Testing Service of the New York University School of Continuing and Professional Services.  If the student achieves a score of 8 or above on this test, he/she may receive up to six credits in modern language.  If the student’s score is 5-7, the student must enroll in one of the Modern Language Department’s elective culture/cinema courses taught in English to complete this requirement.
  • If a student is certified by the College Office of Support Services for Students with Disabilities as being learning disabled in the area of foreign languages, the College requires the student to enroll in one of the Modern Language Department’s elective culture/cinema courses taught in English to satisfy the foreign language requirement.


Language placement is determined by the student’s record of previous high school language study and/or by scores on the NY State Regents exams, AP exams, International Baccalaureate exams, or Farmingdale departmental placement exams. 

Placement guidelines include the following provisions: 

  • To be eligible to register for the Elementary Level II course without having completed the Level I course at Farmingdale, a student must meet any one of these criteria:
  1. The student has successfully completed 3 or 4 years of study in that same language in high school.
  2. The student demonstrates Level I ability in a placement examination offered by the Modern Language Department.
  3. The student earned a score of 85 or higher on any of the four exams listed above and wishes to continue study of that same language at the Elementary II level or higher.
  4. Native speakers of a language must get permission of the Chair to register at Elementary Level I or II.
  • Students with a score of 4 or higher on the International Baccalaureate Language Exam will be placed at the Intermediate Level III of that language.
  • For other students wishing to enter language study at the Intermediate or Advanced level, such placement will be determined by the Modern Languages Department.

All baccalaureate program students will be required to fulfill the Applied Learning Graduation Requirement.  Applied Learning is the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom and then applied in a hands-on, real-world environment.  The Applied Learning Graduation Requirement may be satisfied in any of the following ways (definitions follow below):

Students earn a passing grade in an Applied Learning course.
Students earn passing grades in at least two Applied Learning Enhanced courses.
Students successfully complete a combination of an Applied Learning Enhanced course 
and at least 5 hours of approved Co-curricular Activities/Nexus Center Experiences.
Students successfully complete at least 10 hours of approved Co-curricular Activities/Nexus Center Experiences.

Activities Satisfying the Applied Learning Graduation Requirement  

  • Applied Learning Course (credit bearing)
    An Applied Learning course requires that students complete a minimum of 10 hours of applied activity. Students’ grades rely on the completion of these hours as well as reflection on the activity. Some categories of Applied Learning, such as Internships, may require additional hours. 
  • Applied Learning Enhanced Course (credit bearing) 
    An Applied Learning Enhanced course features an Applied Learning activity and reflection. Applied Learning Enhanced courses require a minimum of 5 hours of applied activity.
  • Co-curricular Activity (non-credit bearing)
    Co-curricular Activities are pursued in addition to the normal course of study. Only approved Co-curricular Activities will satisfy the Applied Learning Graduation Requirement. Successful completion of Co-curricular Activities will count towards the Applied Learning Graduation Requirement based on the number of hours earned. Ten hours of approved Applied Learning activity is the minimum for meeting the Applied Learning Graduation Requirement.
  • Nexus Center Experience (non-credit bearing)
    A Nexus Center Experience is an Applied Learning experience approved through the Nexus Center for Applied Learning & Career Development. Nexus Center Experiences may satisfy the Applied Learning Graduation Requirement in full or part depending on the hours required. 

For additional information about Applied Learning, including the criteria for applied learning and satisfying the graduation requirement, visit:

Farmingdale State College provides academic credits and advanced placement for entering and current students who qualify.  Qualification is typically based on  (1) Advanced Placement Examinations (AP) administered by the College Entrance Examination Board, (2) College or University-Level Courses taken while in high school, (3) International Baccalaureate Examinations, (4) Military Training, and (5) approved subject examinations through the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) of the Education Testing Service. Note: while Advanced Placement and/or academic credits are typically awarded for General Education courses.  Some departments do not permit students to use such credits towards required coursework in the academic major.

Students should have official documentation from any of these five sources sent to the Coordinator of Transfer Credit Evaluation at Farmingdale State College for review and possible transfer credit and/or advanced placement.

Ms. Amy Stier
Assistant Director, Transfer Services
Farmingdale State College, Laffin Hall
2350 Broadhollow Road, Farmingdale, NY 11735

Advanced Placement Examinations and Farmingdale Course Equivalencies

 University in the High School

Some students earn college credit for university courses offered in their high schools.  These are sometimes called “scale courses” or “university in the high school.”

Students who have successfully earned “university in the high school” credits through Farmingdale State College will see those college credits and grades appear automatically on their FSC transcript.

Students who earned college credits from a different college or university must take the following action to have such college credit considered by FSC for transfer toward the FSC degree. Specifically, contact the Registrar at the College or University that provided those credits.  Ask the College Registrar to send an official copy of your College (not high school) transcript containing your coursework and grades to the Farmingdale Transfer Credit Evaluator (see preceding page).  

Students should have their college transcripts sent to FSC during the summer before the Fall semester, so that their FSC records can be up to date. 

Military Transfer Credits
Military credits may be granted on a case-by-case basis based on review of a Military Smart transcript. Students with background in the US Military (e.g. veterans of the Armed Forces and the National Guard as well as current enlistees) should have their SMART transcripts sent to FSC’s coordinator of Transfer Credit Evaluation (see address on preceding page). For further questions, please visit the Registrar’s Office in Laffin Hall, Room 225.

International Baccalaureate Examinations
Students who have taken International Baccalaureate Examinations should have their exam scores sent to the Coordinator of Transfer Credit Evaluation for review and possible credit transfer.

CLEP Exams
CLEP (College Level Examination Program) is a way for students to accumulate college credit by taking an exam on a subject in which they are proficient instead of taking the full course. The CLEP program is administered by the College Board organization. Some colleges only administer exams to students matriculated at their school; other test centers are open for anyone. The following is a list of the course equivalencies FSC will accept:

For additional information go to the Transfer Services Webpage or contact the department at or 934-420-5139.

The following is the official College grading system:

To determine the cumulative grade point average, multiply the achievement point value of each grade by the credits designated for each subject. Then divide the total achievement points by the number of credits carried.  

There is a feature within DegreeWorks that calculates your current GPA automatically for you. It can also help you set a goal or plan to achieve a desired GPA. Please login to DegreeWorks and click the “GPA Calculator” tab. 


Only courses and grades earned at Farmingdale State College are considered in the generation of grade-point averages for all students.

  • A student must attain a 2.0 cumulative GPA in order to qualify for graduation
  • If, at the end of any semester, a student falls below a 2.0 or does poorly in a major course (please see specific program requirements), the student may be placed on academic warning, probation or be considered for dismissal, depending on the extent of the deficiency.
  • On the recommendation of the Department Chair, a student may be required to carry a reduced schedule to aid the student in their success and get back on track.


NOTE: In addition to the high school requirements, applicants not applying directly from high school are required to complete the following courses prior to admission: EGL 101 and BIO 166

Associate in Science or Associate in Applied Science Degree in Dental Hygiene from an ADA Accredited Program; Licensure as a Dental Hygienist; GPA to be considered.
Once accepted into the program, students must consult with their assigned academic advisor for guidance with customized course selections.

NOTE: The BIO 220 Medical Microbiology is no longer a program prerequisite course. Students entering the DH program in fall 2022 will be required to take BIO 221 Oral Microbiology as part of the dental hygiene curriculum.

NOTE: For CET and EET students who are placed in a math course lower than MTH 129, the first semester schedule will be: English, Math, and 3 general education courses selected from History, Civilization, Foreign Languages and Social Science.

Students in the Associates Degree Program in Liberal Arts and Sciences select courses from a wide range of classes. Those interested in transferring into a particular four-year program during or after their time in Liberal Arts and Sciences receive guidance from advisors in an effort to overlap individual program requirements with courses that fulfill the Liberal Arts program. To get a sense of suggested first semester courses required in a particular area of interest, please read the Liberal Arts and Sciences Freshman Advising Guide on the department website.

* General Education Electives must be chosen from the lists on pages 18-21.
** Placement in Math, English and Language is based on the criteria explained on pages 22-25.

The following procedures serve as a structured mechanism to allow a group of faculty and students within the college community to review a given situation and to arrive at a fair and equitable resolution of the dispute.  All official communications about grade appeals are to be sent to students by certified mail with a return receipt or by another written or electronic method for which delivery confirmation is available.

Step 1:  A student who contests a grade recorded on the transcript must first discuss the grade with the instructor. This step must be initiated no later than 30 calendar days from the beginning of the academic semester following receipt of the grade. All grade grievances must be based solely on requirements listed on the instructor’s syllabus, or the most recent college catalog, or a grade calculation (math) error.

Step 2: If no mutually satisfactory agreement can be reached with the instructor:

  1. The student should submit to the instructor’s department chairperson* or designated representative, a written statement of the grievances within seven (7) calendar days of the completion of Step 1. Before any review can be undertaken by the department chairperson, the student shall submit records of evaluations, tests, term papers, projects, and/or any other information from which judgments can be or were made. It is expected that in support of this process, the instructor will provide copies of all appropriate materials. 
  2. The chairperson shall, within fourteen (14) calendar days of the submission of the grievance, communicate with each party to discuss the problem and collect evidence. 
  3. The chairperson shall submit a written recommendation to both parties within seven (7) calendar days. Copies of such recommendations shall be maintained by the chairperson.
  4. If the chairperson is party to the grievance, the highest-ranking senior member of the department shall act in the chairperson’s stead. *Note: The role of the department chairperson may be superseded by a departmental review committee if the department deems it desirable.

Step 3: If no mutually satisfactory agreement has been reached at the completion of the Step 2 process, either party may submit a written statement of appeal with supportive information to the chairperson of the FSC Admissions and Academic Standards Committee. Such appeal must be submitted within fourteen (14) calendar days after receipt of the decision of the department chairperson or representative. Within twenty-one (21) calendar days after receipt of the written appeal, the chairperson of the Admissions and Academic Standards Committee shall convene and chair a campus appeals committee.  

The Campus Appeals Committee shall consist of:

  • The chairperson of the Admissions and Academic Standards Committee, or a member of that committee assigned by the chairperson.
  • The chairperson of the Faculty Executive Committee, or a member of that committee assigned by the chairperson.
  • An academic dean, assigned by the Provost, from a school other than that in which the grievance occurred.
  • The chairperson of the appropriate student governing body of SGA or a member of that body assigned by the chairperson. 
    1. No member of the committee shall be a member of the department in which the grievance occurred.
    2. The department chairperson or representative shall make available to the members of the Campus Appeals Committee all information relating to the grievance.
    3. The Campus Appeals Committee shall attempt to ascertain all pertinent information. Either party may request or be requested to appear before the committee.
    4. The committee shall present its written recommendations to each party of the grievance within fourteen (14) calendar days of completion of the review.
    5. These recommendations could include:
      • No change in the original grade.
      • A request for the instructor to reevaluate the original grade. If reevaluation is requested, the instructor shall have fourteen (14) calendar days to submit a response to the committee.
      • Credit-by-Examination with fee waived.

Step 4: If the instructor’s response or reevaluation is contrary to the consensus of the Campus Appeals Committee, the Committee shall refer to the Admissions and Academic Standards Committee for their review with their recommendation whether and how the grade should be revised. 

NOTE: a detailed description of the review process can be found in the College Catalog.

In some cases, a student can request permission to have a general education course requirement met through one of the special types of appeals described below:

General Education Transfer Credit: A student took a course at another university that was classified as a general education course there but is not considered as such at FSC and thus appears on the student’s FSC transcript as an elective. This student can appeal to the provost to have the elective course approved to count as meeting our general education requirement. 

General Education Waiver: When a transfer student has taken and been given credit for an advanced course for which a lower-level FSC general education course would normally be considered a prerequisite, the student can appeal to have the FSC general education course waived. 

General Education Course Substitution:  When a student has taken a course elsewhere or at FSC that meets the spirit and intent of the FSC general education, the student can appeal to have that course accepted as a general education course at FSC. 

To make such a request, the student should meet with an AAIC advisor or Faculty Advisor to prepare the required forms and obtain the appropriate signatures.

Any student who is granted a waiver in a particular competency area must still complete the minimum General Education credit requirement of his/her degree program. The number of credits waived may be applied to “elective” courses in any of the competency areas at the student’s discretion, though the College recommends that this be done under advisement.

Final waivers and course substitutions will appear on the student’s academic record as a “comment” at the top.

Incompletes A grade of “I” (Incomplete) is reported when, for some reason beyond his/her control, the student misses the final examination or has not completed a portion of the required work for the course. The decision to grant an “I” is at the sole discretion of the instructor. No achievement points are awarded for an incomplete. All incompletes must be resolved and a change of grade must be submitted no later than 30 days after the beginning of the next semester (fall to spring, winter intersession to spring, spring to fall, summer session to fall). An instructor may grant an extension of an incomplete (I) grade until the end of the semester by documenting and filing the approved form with the Registrar prior to the conclusion of the 30 day period. Any incomplete (I) grade not finalized or not extended by the instructor within the 30-day time period mentioned above will automatically be changed to an “F.” An Incomplete does not constitute successful completion of a prerequisite.

To change a grade due to extenuating circumstances, the guidelines set forth in the Farmingdale College Catalog are:
“Grades and grade change are the responsibility of faculty. Grade changes, which are only initiated for extenuating circumstances (such as medical emergencies, death, or family emergencies) must be submitted within a timely manner after the conclusion of the semester in question. Appropriate documentation with a clear explanation must be submitted on the approved grade change form for processing with the Registrar. Faculty may submit a grade change within one year from the date on which the grade was issued as long as it is consistent with the College’s need to maintain academic standards and the integrity of the students records, as well as conform to Federal and State laws.  Only an extreme extenuating circumstance (ex.; service to the military) may require a change of grade beyond this one-year time period. Any such case must be appealed by the instructor to the Faculty Standing Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards for their consultation and approval.”

Farmingdale State College students are invited to enhance their studies with an Academic Minor. In addition to department-based minors (e.g. Computer Programming & Info Systems), interdisciplinary minors are also available (e.g. legal studies).   A minor is an optional supplement to a student’s major program of study.  Only students in Baccalaureate degree programs can apply for minors. A minor consists of 15 to 21 credits and at least 12 of those credits must be in courses at the 200 level or higher. Students are only permitted to declare more than one minor with the appropriate written approval of their Department Chair or School Dean.

Students must submit an “Application for an Academic Minor” Form to their department major, the department offering the minor, and then submit the form to the Registrar’s Office for processing. A statement of successful completion of each academic minor will appear on the student’s transcript at the time of graduation.


I hope to be awarded credits for AP, other coursework in high school, and/or coursework taken elsewhere (at another university, military service, etc.). How do I make sure Farmingdale will review my work and award the credits?

  • Students should send any official documentation (AP exams, College or University-Level courses taken in high school or another college, IB Examinations, Military Training, or CLEP exams) to the Coordinator of Transfer Credit Evaluation
  • Send these as early as possible!

Why weren’t some of my credits from my other school(s) or experience accepted?

  • First, sometimes the original college did not send the transcript to Farmingdale. It is up to you to contact your previous institutions to make sure that the appropriate paperwork has been sent.
  • Second, if the course(s) you are transferring has a grade below a C, it will not transfer.
    • However, if you earned an associate degree from a SUNY Community College, then FSC may award transfer credits with an earned grade lower than a C.
  • Finally, understand that it is up to your major department on the acceptance of transfer credits. Some may transfer and apply towards your major, some may transfer as “free electives,” and some may not be accepted.
  • For any other questions, please visit the Transfer Services website

How do I change my schedule? 
What is the difference between Adding/Dropping a course and Withdrawing from one?

  • Students may change their schedules by adding and dropping courses from the time they register up through the first week of courses. During this time, these courses will not appear on your transcript.
    • Incoming students generally must see an academic advisor to make these changes
    • Continuing students may see an advisor, but generally make changes on their own using OASIS
  • From the second week of courses through the end of the ninth week, students are permitted to withdraw from a course. This process, however, will show a W on your transcript.
    • Students need to get the form from the Registrar’s Office, complete the form with the instructor’s signature, and return it back to the Registrar for processing.
  • Withdrawal from a course after the ninth week is only permitted under extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the instructor.
  • If you are on Financial Aid, please speak with someone from the Financial Aid office about withdrawing and how it may affect your current and future aid.

May I change majors? How do I do that?

  • First, talk with your current department Chairperson. They will advise you on the necessary steps to take.
  • Second, set up an appointment with your desired Major’s Chairperson. They will provide information pertaining to the following:
    • Space available in the program, proper GPA to be accepted, transfer courses from previous major, etc.
  • Finally, if approved, you and the chairperson of your new department will complete an “Application for Change of Curriculum” that will be processed by the Registrar.

NOTE: if you are simply contemplating a change in major and want to determine the impact of that change in curriculum on your prospects for graduation, you are welcome to meet with the advisors in the AAIC for general guidance. The AAIC is located in the lower level of Greenley Hall.


Strive to do your best! Earn the grades and distinctions of being inducted into a national Academic Honor Society. Honor Societies offer amazing opportunities (and scholarships) both during college and after graduation. Students who are interested in learning more about qualification and acceptance into Academic Honor Societies should visit the following link:

Alpha Phi Sigma 

National Criminal Justice Honor Society for Criminal Justice Majors.
Advisor: Dr. Tino Posillico
National link: 

Beta Beta Beta

National Honor Society in Biology
Advisors: Dr. Eric Morgan
National link: 

Chi Alpha Epsilon

National Honor Society for Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) students.
Advisors: Dr. Alicia Lawson Cesar and Ms. Monique J. Ramos
National link:

Chi Gamma Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Honor Society of Nursing

International Honor Society for Nursing.
Advisors: Dr. Sherry Manansingh and Dr. Joanne Lapidus-Graham
National link:

Epsilon Pi Tau

International Honors Society for Professions in Technology.
Advisors: Dr. Bahar Zoghi Moghadam
National link:

Golden Key

Golden Key is a mission–focused, values–based and demographics–driven international organization that is available to all students earning baccalaureate degrees, regardless of major. To be eligible for consideration, students must meet criteria as established by the honor society.
Advisors: Dr. Aida Sy and Michelle Johnson
National link: 

Omicron Delta Epsilon

International Honor Society in Economics.
Advisors: Dr. Abeba Mussa and Dr. Cristian Sepulveda
National link:

Phi Alpha Theta

National Honor Society for History. 
Advisor: Dr. Timothy Nicholson
National link:

Phi Theta Kappa

National Junior College Honorary Scholastic Society. 
Advisor: Dr. Aaron Howell and Dr. Noel Holton Braithwaite
National link:

Psi Chi

International Honor Society in Psychology
Advisors: Dr. Maria Anderson and Professor Bindu Dulock
National link: 

Sigma Beta Delta

Business Management and Administration National Honor Society
Advisor: Dr. Mary Villani and Dr. Martin Lewison
National link: 

Sigma Phi Alpha

National Dental Hygiene Honor Society
Advisors: Ms. Carol McNamara

Looking for something to do?  Get involved in college life by participating in a club.  Club activities often include trips and special events. Please visit Ram Central ( to stay updated on the most current information.

Looking to Work out?

  • Nold Hall – New fully equipped gym, exercise room with various machines and mats, lockers and showers are available
  • Roosevelt Hall
    • Group fitness classes in Loft Lounge – Check E-News and Student Email Updates for Zumba, Yoga and Pilates class schedule
    • Flab Factory – Cable systems, weights, tread mills and mats 

Need to Relax?

  • Teaching Gardens – Farmingdale’s best kept secret! Enjoy the beautiful and peaceful work of the horticulture departments teaching gardens. Pick a tree to study under or walk along the gardens with friends
  • Health and Wellness Center quiet room – enjoy the peaceful and rejuvenating affects of the quiet room for a meditation and relaxation break 


  • Pay-One-Price (POPs) Dining (Campus Center) – An abundant variety of fresh foods, prepared from scratch each day. Many foods are prepared right before your eyes - only moments before serving. The chefs prepare a changing menu of specialties including hand-tossed pizza, Asian cuisine, grilled sandwiches, daily baked desserts, and so much more.
  • Campus Center Market – Offering a number of great stations from which to get a delicious meal:
    • the Burger Studio
    • Asian inspired Street Food
    • Home for traditional entrees
    • Salads made-to-order at Greens to Go
    • In Between for sandwiches and wraps
    • TCP for wood stone oven pizzas.
  • Starbucks (Campus Center) – Grab a cup of fresh brewed coffee or tea, gourmet desserts and pastries.
  • Books n’ Beans Café (Greenley Hall Library) - Coffee, lattes, café style food   

Hours and menus of all campus eateries:
NOTE: The Aramark Food service offers meal plans for both residential and commuter students. Inquire at the Meal Card Office located in the Campus Center to the left of Eco Grounds.

Getting Connected – WiFi Green Zones

The College has put together a map and list of open spaces on campus for wireless access both indoors and outdoors. You can connect to the wireless and take your class remotely from these areas, if need be.
Please see here for map and list of open spaces:

Need a computer?

  • Greenley Hall (30 seats at computers available)
    • First floor 
    • Second floor (formerly distance learning lab)
  • Laffin Hall
    • First floor lobby
  • Whitman Hall 
    • First floor – room 115 (small open lab)
    • Second floor – room 221 (large open lab) 
  • Business School Building – lounge areas on all three floors with vending machines 
  • Bunche Plaza – outside area with benches – in between Laffin and Greenley Hall 
  • Campus Center – two large cafeterias and two open lounge areas 
  • Campus Center – outside areas with tables and benches
  • Dewey Hall - Meditation (Prayer) Room - door key available at Orchard Hall front desk
  • Conklin Hall – Student Activities Building
  • Gleeson Hall – lounges on the second and third floors plus bar stools and counter in the front lobby
  • Greenley Hall Library – study rooms and lounge areas on all three levels
  • Greenley Lobby Area – lounge with Books n’ Beans Café
  • Hale Hall – first floor lounge area with vending machines; second floor lounge area
  • Laffin Hall – first floor lobby lounge area with vending machines
  • Lupton Hall – first floor lounge area with vending machines; second floor lounge area
  • Lupton Hall – outside areas with benches at both front and rear of the building
  • Nold Hall – Athletics Building – vending machines and benches
  • Quintyne Hall – Student Activities Building, lounge, billiards, tv
  • Sinclair Hall – lounge area in the “Pit” with vending machines on West side of building
  • Whitman Hall – first floor lounge area with vending machines

The AAIC offers various workshops to all FSC students throughout the fall and spring semesters.  Focusing on a variety of topics, these workshops aim to enhance the advisor-advisee relationship outside of the AAIC.  Topics offered will change with the needs of FSC students, but some topics remain constant.  For example, workshops such as Time Management and Study and Test-tasking Skills, are designed to strengthen and enhance the skills a student may already have in these areas.  The DegreeWorks workshops empowers students to learn more about their progress within their major and their educational options at FSC.  The goal of the AAIC’s Early Warning workshop is to support students who have been notified by a professor that their current grade is than a “C” and provide them with strategies to improve their performance before the end of the semester.

Fall AAIC workshops will be updated on the AAIC website.

A timetable for all workshops can be found on the Tutoring Center website.
The following workshops have been held in the Tutoring Center in past semesters:

  • Time Management: Learn How to Juggle Effectively
  • Note-taking and Study Strategies
  • DegreeWorks and Oasis: Understanding Your Degree
  • Turn it Around (Early Warning)
  • Change a Major, Add a Minor
  • Exam-taking Strategies

If possible, it is recommended that you take no more than 2 classes in a row – Think about MID-TERMS/FINALS!

Study Time: For each hour spent in the classroom, a student should plan to dedicate a minimum of two hours studying outside of the class.  For example, for a 3-credit course, you’re expected to spend a minimum of 6 hours studying and preparing for class.
Time management is important!


Last Modified 6/11/24