Retirement Information
SUNY Retirement Programs
The information provided below will assist you with retirement plan options available
to Farmingdale State College employees. For new employees, your selection of a retirement
system is an important decision, so please review your options very carefully. Once
your election is made, you will generally not be allowed to change retirement systems;
unless you have a change in your employment title making you eligible for a different
retirement system for the first time and you opt to change to that system within 30
days of your eligible appointment.
Retirement Plans Overview & Eligibility
It is important to note that membership in a retirement system may not otherwise be changed or withdrawn during your current or any subsequent employment with any SUNY or community college campus.
- Retirement Plan Options & Eligibility
- Retirement Program Brochure for New Faculty and Staff
- Retirement Comparison Chart
- Retirement Election & Overview
SUNY Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) Information
SUNY ORP Investment Providers:
- VOYA: Steve Coles, CEBS®, CLU®, CFS® - 631-755-0826 /
- Corebridge Financial: Tom Lynch - 917-628-0014 /
- FIDELITY: Alexandra Sbordone - 347-650-4447 /
- TIAA: David Flynn - 866-842-2053 /
SUNY Defined Benefit Plan Information
- New York State and Local Retirement System
- Employees Retirement System (ERS) Tier 6
- Teachers' Retirement System
- Teachers' Retirement System (TRS) Active Members Handbook
- Police and Fire Retirement System
How to Enroll in a Retirement Program
Once you have carefully reviewed your options, your first step is to register with Retirement@Work and elect your retirement program and provide your retirement system history. All Farmingdale State College NEW employees must use Retirement@Work to select a retirement plan within 30 days of their hire date. Retirement Election is a 2-step process:
Step 1: Register with Retirement@Work and elect your retirement plan.
- Quick Reference Guide Instructions
- Optional Retirement Program (ORP) Enrollment Guide (English) | (Spanish)
- ERS/TRS Enrollment Guide (English) | (Spanish)
Step 2: Complete your retirement plan election by completing the enrollment process required by the plan you selected.
- If you selected the SUNY Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) based upon your eligibility, you will need to complete an online enrollment process with the investment provider you selected. You will then need to send confirmation of your enrollment to your Benefits Administrator.
- ORP Enrollees - Schedule an appointment with TIAA Campus Representative -- Online Scheduler
- If you selected a Defined Pension Plan (NYSLRS, TRS or PFRS) based on your eligibility, you will need to complete the required paper application.
- ERS Tier VI Membership Application
- TRS Tier VI Membership Application
- PFRS Tier VI Membership Application
How to Register/Manage Accounts in Retirement@Work
How to register with Retirement@Work - Quick Reference Guide Instructions
Planning for Retirement
- Benefits Checklist
- Planning Your Successful Retirement Video Guide: (This series of short videos include information on retiree health insurance, medicare, social security, NYS Deferred Compensation Program and New York State & Local Retirement System.)
- Calculating Sick Leave Credit - From the homepage, under Benefit Programs, click on NYSHIPOnline, click on Active Employee, answer the two individual questions, choose Planning to Retire, and then Sick Leave Credit Calculator.
- Medicare
- Survivor's Benefits
Pre-Retirement Forms and Information Booklets
- 2025 NYSHIP Choices for Retirees
- 2025 NYSHIP Rates and Information for Retirees
- Medicare & NYSHIP Information Booklet
- Planning for Retirement Booklet
- Welcome to EBD Booklet
- General Information Booklet
- On the Road with the NYS Empire Plan Booklet
- Request for a Retiree Email Account
- Survivor's Benefit Program Form (RS-6355)
- NYSHIP Sick Leave Credit Option Election Form (PS-405)
Phased Retirement
Voluntary Savings Plans
Employees must register on the SUNY Retirement@Work website to process your request.
- SUNY Voluntary Savings Overview
- NYS Deferred Compensation Plan (457)
- SUNY 403(b) Investment Providers
- Fidelity Investments
- TIAA (Formerly TIAA-CREF)
- Corebridge Financial (Formerly AIG Retirement Services)
- Voya (Formerly ING)
- 2025 Universal Availability Notice
- 2024 Cost of Living Adjustments
- 403(b) Traditional vs. Roth Comparison
- 403(b) VSP Enrollment Guide (English) | (Spanish)
- 403(b) Account Changes Guide (English) | (Spanish)
Human Resources
Whitman Hall, Room 260
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:45pm
Summer Hours 8:30am-4:30pm
For Benefits questions/information, email
For Payroll questions, email
For Student Payroll questions, email