Consumer Information

This page provides links to information about Farmingdale State College as required by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008.  Student consumer information is available to all enrolled and prospective students.  You can access the information by clicking on the links provided below or by contacting Administrative Services to request printed materials providing this information.

Additional consumer information pertaining to Farmingdale State College can be found by visiting the College Navigator website.

General Institutional Information

Health and Safety

  • Campus Security and Fire Safety Report – This report contains information about the following policies and procedures: Emergency response and evacuation; crime reporting; campus security; missing student notification; where to find information on registered sex offenders; sexual crime assistance for victims and offered prevention programs; fire safety systems, fire drills, and education and training, and who to contact to report a fire.
  • Crime Statistics – follow the link to the Office of Post-Secondary Education and click on Get Data for One School to search for Farmingdale State College and view the crime and fire statistics for the last 3 years.
  • Student Immunization Policy - Policy information regarding vaccinations can also be found on the current College Catalog and Student Handbook under the heading Student Immunization Policy.
  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention

Intercollegiate Athletics

Student Financial Assistance

Student Outcomes

The website for the Office of Institutional Research offers data, reports, and surveys about the College.

Voter Registration

administrative services

Horton Hall, Room 160
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:30pm

Last Modified 7/24/24