A collage of groups of students.


Feed Items

LPP Spreading Cheer to Our Communities

August 10, 2020

COVID-19 has spread fear throughout our communities and our students are a part of these communities. With schools closed, we reached out to our students to assess their well-being. In doing so, we did not expect to hear them ask us about continuing

liberty partnerships logo

Feed Items

COVID-19 Rapid Response Team

August 10, 2020

The Smart Scholars (SS) Early College program at FSC operates within the Amityville, Brentwood and Wyandanch school districts to provide college credit classes for high school students, as well as tutoring and college exposure.

Smart Scholar students.

Feed Items

STEM Student Success in a Changing World

August 7, 2020

CSTEP/LSAMP (Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program/Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation) had a plan for the spring semester, full of exciting activities.

cstep logo

Feed Items

A Little Courage

August 7, 2020

For nearly ten years, the TRIO Student Support Services program at FSC has been proud to assist first-generation college students, students from low-income backgrounds, and those with disabilities at FSC.

group photo of trio

Feed Items

CSTEP Student Honored with Prestigious Award

August 7, 2020

Maria Turbi Henderson receives SUNY Chancellor Award for Student Excellence

headshot of maria turbi henderson

Feed Items

EOP Staff Team Nurtures Students During COVID-19

August 7, 2020

Our students often express their gratitude for the support of the EOP (Educational Opportunity Program) staff team at FSC.

group of eop students

Feed Items

STEP Students Make the Grade

August 7, 2020

The STEP (Science and Technology Entrance Program) spring semester was off to a running start, with a fundraiser for the STEP Parent Leader Scholarship that raised close to $800.

step logo

Feed Items

Perseverance through a Pandemic

August 7, 2020

P-Tech (Pathways in Technology Early College High School) students are working hard to stay focused and successful in their studies.

p-tech logo
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Last Modified 4/2/24