Sports at Farmingdale

Jerry Allard (right)was an Aggie coach for many years. He is the namesake of Allard Fieldhouse. This picture was taken by G. Raynor, Class of 1932. Shown below is a 1929-1930 Basketball schedule, with some scores written in on the back. It lists g ames against Cooper Union, Pratt, Brooklyn College, LIU, Cathedral, Rutgers Pharmacy, Maxwell Training, and Montclair Teachers.

Thomas D. Greenley Library

Greenley Library

Circulation: 934-420-2183
Reference: 934-420-2184


Mon-Thurs 7:45am - 11:00pm
Friday 7:45am - 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday 1:00pm - 9:00pm

For Holidays, Breaks, See Special Hours

Last Modified 8/27/24