Courses NOT Eligible for Spring 2022 Development

AET 217: Applied Mechanics and Engineering Materials - online
AET 257: Automatic Transmissions - hybrid
ANT 100: Introduction to Anthropology - online
ANT 110: Sociocultural Anthropology - online
ANT 130: North American Indians - online
ARA 131: Beginning Arabic 1 - online
ARA 132: Arabic II (Elementary) - online
ART 203: History of Interaction Design - hybrid
AVN 271: Airport Capacity/Delay/Airspace Environment - online
AVN 325: Safety of Flight - online
AVN 371: Airport Planning - online - Summer 2021
AVN 400: Aviation Law - online
AVN 447: Capstone Professional Pilot Seminar - hybrid
BCS 102: Computer Concepts & Applications - online
BCS 102: Computer Concepts and Applications - hybrid
BCS 109: Introduction to Programming - online
BCS 120: Foundations of Computer Programming I - online
BCS 130: Website Development I - online - Fall 2021
BCS 160: Computers, Society & Technology - online - Fall 2021
BCS 160: Computers, Society and Technology - online
BCS 208: Introduction to Networks - online - Fall 2021
BCS 209: Switching, Routing and Wireless essentials - online - Fall 2021
BCS 215: UNIX Operating Systems Using Linux - online - Fall 2021
BCS 230: Foundations of Computer Programming II - online
BCS 300: Management Information Systems - hybrid
BCS 320: Scaling Networks / Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation v7 - online - Fall 2021
BCS 345: Java Programming - online
BCS 350: Web Database Development - hybrid
BCS 360: Programming in SQL- hybrid
BCS 370: Data Structures - hybrid
BCS 378: Information Security - online - Fall 2021
BCS 421: Android Mobile Application Development - hybrid
BCS 430W: Senior Project - online - Fall 2021
BCS/BUS 317: Enterprise Resource Planning - online - Fall 2021
BIO 120: General Biology - online
BIO 125: Principles of Nutrition - online
BIO 210: Introduction to Bioscience - online
BUS 101: Accounting I - hybrid
BUS 101: Accounting I - online
BUS 102: Principles of Accounting II - hybrid
BUS 102: Principles of Accounting II - online
BUS 109: Management Theories and Practices-online
BUS 112: Legal Environment in the Cannabis Industry - online
BUS 131: Marketing Principles - online
BUS 131: Principles of Marketing - hybrid
BUS 134: Cannabis Managementand Marketing - online - Fall 2021
BUS 141: Contemporary Business Communications - hybrid
BUS 202: Business Law I - online
BUS 222: Accounting and Finance for Cannabis Managers - online - Fall 2021
BUS 250: Consumer Behavior - hybrid
BUS 250: Consumer Behavior - online
BUS 254: Principles of Selling - hybrid
BUS 254: Principles of Selling - online
BUS 256: Sales Management - online
BUS 257: Advertising Principles- online
BUS 266: Personnel and Human Resource Management - hybrid
BUS 280: International Business - hybrid
BUS 280: International Business - online
BUS 300: Operations Management - online
BUS 307: Corporate Finance - online
BUS 311: Introduction to Business - hybrid
BUS 317: Introduction to Enterprise Resource Planning - hybrid
BUS 320: International Marketing - online
BUS 322: international Management - hybrid
BUS 370: Counterproductive Behavior in Organizations - online
BUS 379: Business Internship - online
BUS 390: Selected Topics in Business Management: Quantitative Techniques in Finance - online
Courses NOT Eligible for Spring 2022 Development
Page 3 of 9
BUS 390: Special Topics in Business Management: Social Media Marketing - online
BUS 391: Selected Topics in Bus Mngmt: Advanced Selling - online
BUS 391: Special Topics in Bus Mngmt: Services and Experience Marketing - hybrid
BUS 404: Financial Markets and Institutions - online
CHM 153: General Chemistry Principles II - hybrid
CON 106: Statics - online
CON 161: Materials & Methods of Construction I - hybrid
CON 162: Materials and Methods of Construction II - online
CON 303: Hydraulics - hybrid
CON 409: Structural Design - online
CRJ 100: Introduction to Criminal Justice - online - Fall 2021
CRJ 101: Law Enforcement and Community Relations - online - Fall 2021
CRJ 102: Juvenile Delinquency and Justice - hybrid
CRJ 102: Juvenile Delinquency and Justice - online
CRJ 120: Introduction to Lie Detection - hybrid
CRJ 125: Introduction to Private Investigations - online
CRJ 200: Criminal Investigation - hybrid
CRJ 217: Computer Forensics II - online
CRJ 300: Forensic Psychology - online
CRJ 307: Criminal Justice Data Base Operations - online
CRJ 308: Forensic Technology - online
CRJ 316: Victimology- online
CRJ 380: Homeland Security and Counterterrorism - hybrid
CRJ 407: Crime Prevention Systems - online
CRJ 410W: Senior Project - online
CRJ 425: Policy and Program Evaluation - online - Fall 2021
CSC 111: Computer Programming I - online - Fall 2021
DEN 303: Practice Management for Quality Assurance - online
ECO 110: Introduction to Personal Finance - online
ECO 250: Quantitative Analysis for Economics - online
ECO 255: Money and Banking - online
ECO 260: Intermediate Microeconomics - online
ECO 270: Intermediate Macroeconomics - online
ECO 304: Sports Economics - online
ECO 306: Cannabis Economics: Markets and Policy - online - Summer 2021
ECO 321: Engineering Economics - online - Fall 2021
ECO 380: Econometrics - hybrid
ECO 435: Environmental Economics and Policy - online
EET 493: Selected Topics in EET - hybrid
EGL 097: Basic Writing Skills - hybrid
EGL 101: Composition 1 - College Writing - hybrid
EGL 102: Composition II: Writing About Literature - online
EGL 202: English Literature: 19th Century to the Present - hybrid
EGL 206: World Literature: Early Classics - online
EGL 207: World Literature: The Moderns - online - Fall 2021
EGL 214: Introduction to Poetry - online - Summer 2021
EGL 226: Journalism - hybrid
EGL 323: Major Authors in British Literature - hybrid
ENV 302: Wind Energy - online - Summer 2021
ENV 303: Energy Storage and EV - online - Summer 2021
ENV 304: Geothermal Systems - online - Fall 2021
ENV 306: Solar Energy - online - Fall 2021
ETM 531: Construction Cost Analysis and Advanced Estimating - online
ETM 534: Lean and Sustainable Engineering - online
ETM 550: Intelligent Transportation Systems - online
FRX 103: Career Planning for Freshmen- hybrid
GEO 110: Maps and Maps Analysis - online
GEO 201: Physical Geography - online
GEO 201L: Physical Geography Laboratory-online
GEO 211: The World and It's Peoples - hybrid
GEO 211: The World and It's Peoples - online
GEO 222: Human Geography - online
GEO 231: Europe and Its Peoples-online
GEO 232: North America and It's Peoples-online
GEO 290: Topics in Geography - online
GEO 322: Cultural Geography - online
GEO 325: Globalization and Sustainability- online
GEO 390: Special Topics in Geography- online
GER 111: German I (Elementary) - hybrid
GER 112: German II (Elementary) - online
GER 213: German III (Intermediate) - hybrid
GIS 101: The Digital Earth - online
GIS 201: Mathematical Principles in Geography - online
GIS 222: Geovisualization I - online
GIS 231: Geospatial Research Methods - online
GIS 301: Geographic Information Science - online
GIS 302: Remote Sensing for GIS - online
GIS 321: Geovisualization II - online
GIS 322: Geovisualization III - online
GIS 331: Spatial Analysis I - online
GIS 332: Spatial Analysis II - online
GIS 341: Geoprocessing I - online
GIS 342: Geodatabase Management - online
GIS 352: GIS and Municipal Government - online
GIS 431: Spatial Analysis III - online
GIS 432: Location Modeling and Analysis - online
GIS 441: Geoprocessing II - online
HIS 114: Western Civilization I - hybrid
HIS 114: Western Civilization I - online
HIS 115: Western Civilization II - online
HIS 117: World Civilization I - hybrid
HIS 117: World Civilization I - online
HIS 118: World Civilization II - hybrid
HIS 118: World Civilization II - online
HIS 121: US History to Reconstruction - hybrid
HIS 122: US History since Reconstruction - hybrid
HIS 212: Modern World - hybrid
HIS 213: Peoples and Cultures of Asia - hybrid
HIS 213: Peoples and Cultures of Asia - online
HIS 217: From Constantine to Columbus: Western Civilization in the Middle Ages - online - Fall 2021
HIS 240: History of Public Health Care and Medicine - hybrid
HIS 305: Culture and Technology in England - online
HIS 311: China since 1840 - hybrid
HIS 317: Irish History - online
HIS 320: Europe since the Industrial Revolution - hybrid
HIS 335: Gender & Technology in Historical Perspective - online - Fall 2021
HOR 107:The Plant Science of Cannabis - online - Fall 2021
HOR 134: The Production of Cannabis I - online - Fall 2021
HOR 234: The Production of Cannabis II - online - Fall 2021
HPW 101: Perspectives in Health & Wellness - online
HPW 200: Lifespan Health and Wellness - online
IND 310: Industrial Hygiene - online
IND 320: Fleet Management - online
IND 408: Automotive Business Management - online
IXD 210: Typography for Interaction - hybrid
IXD 212: Interaction Design I - hybrid
IXD 310: Interaction Design II: User Interface - hybrid
IXD 320: Interaction Design III – User Experience - online
MET 105L: Technical Drawing and CAD - online - Fall 2021
MET 205W: Material Science - hybrid
MET 207: Tool Design - online
MET 300: Computer Aided Engineering CAE - hybrid
MET 351: Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) - hybrid
MET 405: Dynamics - hybrid
MET 415: Robotics - hybrid
MET 150: Solid Modeling - online
MLG 201: Italian Food, Culture, and History - hybrid
MLG 300: International Cinema - hybrid
MLG 309: Arabic Cinema - hybrid
MLG 314: Hispanic Fiction to Film - hybrid
MLG 322: The Latin American Novel - hybrid
MLS 421: Molecular Pathology - online
MTH 110 Statistics - online - Summer 2021
MTH 129: Precalculus - online - Summer 2021
MTH 130: Calculus I with Applications - hybrid
Courses NOT Eligible for Spring 2022 Development
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MTH 130: Calculus I with Applications - online - Fall 2021
NUR 215W: Developing Nurses' Ways of Knowing - online
NUR 216: The Art of Nursing - online
NUR 301: Caring for Populations in the Community Setting - online
NUR 401: Models of Inquiry in Nursing - hybrid
NUR 401: Models of Inquiry in Nursing - online
NUR 404: Nurse as Advocate and Change Agent - online
NUR 406: Senior Leadership Practicum - online
PCM 311: Introduction to Writing for Electronic Media - online
PCM 313W: Communications Theory - online
PCM 320: Communications in Business - online
PCM 324: Report Writing and Technical Communications - online
PCM 328: Advanced Writing and Editing - online
PCM 340: Special Topics: Power Dynamics- online
PCM 340: Special Topics: Strategic Communication - online - Fall 2021
PCM 342: Special Topics: Visual Literacy - online
PCM 343/PCM 327: Special Topics: Rhetoric and Persuasion - online - Summer 2021
PCM 344: Special Topics: Strategic Brand Management - online
PCM 400: Special Topics - online
PHI 230: Philosophy Through Film - hybrid
POL 250: American Politics - online - Fall 2021
POL 265: Comparative Politics - online
POL 393: Politics and Popular Culture - hybrid
PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology - online
PSY 232: Child Development - online
PSY 237: Theories of Personality - online
PSY 245: Work Motivation - online
PSY 252: Adult Development - online - Fall 2021
PSY 253: Lifespan Development - online
PSY 272: Cognitive Psychology - online
PSY 300: Forensic Psychology - hybrid
PSY 301: Learning - online
PSY 315: Abnormal Psychology - hybrid
PSY 316: Atypical Development - hybrid
PSY 320: Sensation and Perception - hybrid
PSY 321: Child Cognitive Development - online
PSY 325: Principles of Survey Research - online - Summer 2021
PSY 331: Industrial /Organizational Psychology - online
PSY 331: Industrial/ Organizational Psychology - hybrid
PSY 360: Research Methods - hybrid
PSY 364: Introduction to Biopsychology-online
PSY 414: Applied Personnel Psychology - hybrid
PSY 414: Applied Personnel Psychology - online
SMT 220: Media and Sport - online
SMT 311: Sport Law - online
SMT 320: Athletic Administration - online - Fall 2021
SMT 350: International Sports Managments - online
SOC 200: Introduction to Women's Studies - online
SOC 223: Social Issues and Institutions - online
SOC 224: Urban Sociology - online
SOC 228: Society and Health - hybrid
SOC 228: Society and Health - online
SOC 235: Mass Media and Popular Culture - hybrid
SOC 245: Technology, Society and Social Change - hybrid
SOC 283: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality - online
SOC 303: Sociology of Work and Occupations-online
SOC 325: Social Inequality - online
SOC 350: Global Social Change - hybrid
SPA 250: Spanish For Native Speakers - online
STS 300: Special Topics: Data and Society - online
STS 300: Special Topics: Food and Nutrition Policy in the US - online
STS 300: Special Topics: Sustainable Food Systems - online
STS 330: Scientific Thinking - online
STS 400W: Senior Seminar: Health and Healing in Modern Africa - hybrid
STS 400W: Senior Seminar: Science and Technology in East Asia - online
VIS 105: Introduction to Photography - online
VIS 106: Introduction to Pastels - online
VIS 122: Typography I - hybrid
Courses NOT Eligible for Spring 2022 Development
Page 9 of 9
VIS 215: Introduction to Animation - hybrid
VIS 228: Four-Dimensional Design - hybrid
VIS 340: Industry Preparation - hybrid

distance learning

Greenley Hall
Monday-Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Last Modified 2/4/22