SUNY Brightspace Survey
Thank you for being the first group of FSC users to use Brightspace!
SUNY is collecting data to help improve the student and faculty experience with Brightspace. They're looking for your input on a variety of topics, including the ease with which people can navigate through and use the Brightspace Learning Environment tools.
We want to hear your voices, both positive and critical. Please be candid, if something works, great! If it doesn’t, let us know!
Last chance to take the survey is December 18.
Student Survey:
This survey should take you no more than 10 minutes to complete, with an opportunity to share your specific comments on any tool, task, navigation, or usability, etc. at the end of the survey.
Faculty Survey:
This survey should take you less than 15 minutes to complete, with an opportunity to share your specific comments on any tool, task, navigation, or usability, etc. at the end of the survey. Additionally, if you would like to participate in focus groups or participate in more in-depth surveys to help guide potential changes to the Brightspace learning environment, you will have the opportunity to provide your contact information.
distance learning
Greenley Hall
Monday-Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm