Instructions to Candidates

Congratulations, graduates! Your commencement will be held at the Nassau Coliseum on Thursday, May 22, at 7 PM.

  • Intent to Graduate form:
    • File your Intent to Graduate form with the Registrar's Office. Failure to file this form may result in your name being omitted from the Commencement program and delay you from receiving your actual diploma. 
  • Ticket Distribution:
    • Please check back for ticket information.
  • Caps and Gowns:
    • Purchase your Commencement caps, gowns, hoods and tassels as soon as possible to ensure you will have them for the ceremony. Graduate attire is available for sale now in the College Bookstore. Commencement attire is mandatory for the ceremony. 
    • Make sure to try on your gown immediately to make sure of proper fit and verify your bag includes the hood, cap, and tassel. 

We will continue to update you with important Commencement information. Please check your campus email regularly, so we can all make your Commencement a special and memorable occasion. Visit our FAQ page for additional questions.

Last Modified 11/7/24