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Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program

Who Are We?

The Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program is funded by the New York State Department of Education. Our program provides academic support services and enrichment activities to undergraduate students interested in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, health related fields, or careers in licensed professions. Students in CSTEP are highly prepared to enter the workforce and/or pursue higher studies and research in the STEM fields.

We accomplish these objectives by:

  • Offering instructional programs
  • Facilitating participation in scholarly activities
  • Conducting conferences and workshops
  • Providing support for guided research and industry sponsored internships, and
  • Conducting programs aimed at developing skills and competencies for ethical and professional practice in the student’s chosen field

While CSTEP brings together faculty and students from a broad spectrum of academic programs on campus to undertake projects of mutual interest, the program also promotes and initiates collaborative activities with science and technology programs at other institutions in the region.


Who Are We Looking For?

We seek historically underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students who are interested in STEM, heath, or licensed professions, and are looking to actively participate in a comprehensive program experience. Please see our eligibility page for more information.


Application Process

Fill out our brief online CSTEP application. Upon review, we will invite selected students for a virtual or in-person interview. You will be notified of our acceptance decision within 7 business days.

CSTEP Events

Name Date Time Location
Grad School Tour 3/17/25 - 3/19/25 All Day Philadelphia
CSTEP Banquet 4/17/25 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM Campus Center, Ballroom A

CSTEP Program

Knapp Hall, Rooms 132-133
Monday-Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm


Assistant Director


Gabrielle Patterson
CSTEP Counselor


Branden Fredericks
Data Specialist


Brittany Buchan
Staff Assistant

Last Modified 5/31/24