Dr. Travis Holloway Biography

Travis Holloway believes that eating in Italy at least once is a basic human right. He also thinks perspective and wisdom are gained by observing another culture closely, which is why he’s keen on working with Farmingdale students in Florence. Holloway has lived, studied, and taught extensively in Italy, France, and Germany, where he was a Fulbright Scholar. Holloway teaches philosophy at Farmingdale, and is the author and translator of five books, including How to Live at the End the World: Theory, Art, and Politics for the Anthropocene (Stanford, 2022).

International Education & Programs

Laffin Hall, Room 320A
Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm


James Hall
Acting Director


Jeannette Sinnott
Assistant Director of International Programs


Stephanie Williams
Administrative Assistant 1

Last Modified 8/23/23