Faculty Frequently Asked Questions
Example Section
What are the obligations of Farmingdale State College?
What am I to do when I receive a letter from Disability Services Center (DSC) with regard to a student in my class?
At a student's request, DSC prepares an individualized letter to professors, which verifies the student's disability and documents the need for auxiliary aids and services and/or academic adjustments. We ask that the student meet with each professor to discuss the academic implications of the disability as it is related to the specific course and to the requested accommodations.
My classroom has a separate desk and chair in the room. Can I move this to another room?
Although a student with a disability may not be taking your course, a separate table and chair may be specifically placed in your room to accommodate a student with a disability in another course. Please do not move these items out of the classrooms.
What should I do if a student speaks to me directly to negotiate accommodations without an accommodation letter from DSC?
No professor should provide a student with accommodation without verification from DSC that the student has a documented disability.
What should I do if I have questions about or disagree with the recommended accommodation?
The instructor should immediately contact DSC. The instructor should provide the requested accommodation until otherwise determined.
What are the responsibilities of the student with a disability?
To ensure the provision of reasonable and appropriate services, a student must present current and comprehensive documentation of disability to DSC. The records kept in our office are strictly confidential and are not part of the student's academic record.
Still could use some help? Email us and we will get back to you shortly.
Disability Services
Whitman Hall - Room 186D
Monday-Friday 8:30am-4:00pm
Please send all Testing related message to: TESTING@farmingdale.edu