Solar Eclipse at Farmingdale State College

On April 8, 2024 there will be a total solar eclipse viewable across a large swath of North America. To be in the path of totality in New York, one must be in the northwest corner of the state. Those of us on Long Island will be able to observe 90% obscuration of the Sun by the Moon on the day of the eclipse.
    Solar Eclipse Flyer

The Physics Department and the Office of Student Activities will be hosting an eclipse viewing party on the afternoon of April 8, 2024 on the Campus Center Lawn (between Gleeson Hall and the Campus Center). Everyone is invited! Two 8" Schmid-Cassegrain telescopes (with solar filters) will be set up along with a 60mm Solarmax II Telescope with an H-alpha solar filter. In addition to the telescopes, solar eclipse glasses will be distributed for safe viewing of the eclipse*. The Office of Student Activities will also be providing moon pies and music for the event!  

Timeline of Events on April 8, 2024

2:11 pm -- Eclipse Begins

3:26 pm -- Maximum Obscuration* (90%)

4:36 pm -- Eclipse Ends

Location: Campus Center Lawn (between Gleeson Hall and the Campus Center)

Telescopes will be set up from 2:00 pm - 4:45 pm

*even during maximum obscuration the Sun can severely damage the eyes if not viewed safely through a solar filter (e.g. eclipse glasses or telescopes fitted with solar filters). 

Sponsored by the Farmingdale State College Physics Department and the Office of Student Activities

Physics Department

Lupton Hall, Room 200
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm


Dr. Lloyd Makarowitz


Linda Rennie
Administrative Assistant 1

Last Modified 4/3/24