Michaela Porubanova, psychology professor at Farmingdale State College, has won a SUNY award that will send her to St. Petersburg, Russia for 10 days at the end of April 2015.
Professor Porubanova is a winner of the 2015 Spring Travel Awards. She will present lectures and seminars at St. Petersburg State University. In addition, she will give a lecture at the Psychology Department Annual Conference. She will discuss the effect of short-term and long-term deprivation on visual cognition.
Professor Porubanova’s research interests lie in cognitive psychology, specifically in the cognitive mechanisms of cultural transmission, deprivation studies, and the interplay between emotion and cognition. She has published manuscripts in Plos One, I-Perception, Journal for the Study of Cognitive Science of Religion, Religion, Brain, & Behavior, Personality and Individual Differences, and other journals.