The Office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusive Excellence, The Modern Languages Department, & Athletics were Proud to bring to campus the first ever Futsal World Cup! Each of the 11 teams represented a chosen country and enthusiastically participated in an exciting, lively, and fun filled event, with an overwhelming request and support for future World Cups to come!
In a collaborative effort to celebrate the varied cultural, linguistic and ethnic heritage that make FSC such a special place, a near 100 students registered and took part in this memorable soccerr match led by Vincenzo Selleri, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages. Prof. Selleri directed and facilitated the creation of each outstanding team, including single players that were formed into one team. It was wonderful to see the students work together and bond through such an enjoyable event.
Congratulations to Team Ecuador, FSC's First Ever Futsal World Cup Winners!
- 2nd Place: Team Jamaica!
- 3rd Place: Team Korea!
You were all amazing, and played fiercly with incredible team work, welldone!
Our first place winners,Team Ecuador, received first place medals, a World Cup Trophy, gifted by Prof. Selleri, and Barnes Nobles Gift cards, graciously donated by the FSC Foundation.