-Feng, JB, Liu, SY & Liu, LA (2023), Cognitive Antecedents of EMNEs’ Dynamic Capabilities: A Case Study of Global Identity at Lenovo, Journal of Business Research, 154.
-Forsyth, E. W., Fraina, M., Whisenant, W. A., Johnson, J. E., & Scott, B. F. (2022). A mixed-methods approach to identifying coaches' and officials' issues pertinent in interscholastic sports. Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 15(2), 65-87.
- Sanmartin, MX, Ali, MM, Dwyer D (2022), “Trends in Buprenorphine Waivered Providers in Medicaid Expansion and Non-expansion States by their Public Listing Status”, Journal of Substance Use, April 2022.
- Song, G.H. and Jain, A. (2022), "Can artificial intelligence beat the stock market?", Studies in Economics and Finance, Vol. 39 No. 5, pp. 772-785.
-Vogel, R. (2022). “Recreational Marijuana and the New York State Economy.” Proceedings of the New York State Economics Association 74th annual meeting, Volume 14: 43-50.
-Ye, X., & Haralick, R., The Generalization of Mathematical Morphology to Non-numeric Sets. Intern. Journal Transaction on Machine Learning and Data Mining (October 2021), ISSN (Print) 1865-6781, ISSN (Online) 2509-9337
-Bitew, W. & Vogel, R., “Bioremediation of Long Island Sound: Aquaculture and Profit Maximization.” Presented at the New York State Economics Association 75th annual meeting, October 2022.
-Dong, N. and Xu, A., “Teaching Investments with the StockTrak Simulation.” / Financial Education Association (FEA) and Academy of Business Education (ABE) 23rd Annual Conference
Dwyer, Debra and Jonelle Bradshaw de Hernandez, “The Inequality Gap in Science Technology
-Dong, N and Xu, A., “Taxation and Earnings Management: Evidence from Staggered Changes in State Engineering and Math (STEM) fields”, Presented at the Annual New York State Economics Association Conference, October 9, 2022, Westbury, NY.
-Dwyer, D., Panelist, “Financially Empowering Youth and Vulnerable Populations”, Farmingdale State College, June 2, 2022.
-Dwyer, D., “Finding Direction in Health Care Policy Reform” (2021), Presented at the Annual Social Science Association (ASSA) Meetings in Boston, Jan. 2022.
-Feng, JB & Yang, MK, “Developing FSA through MNCs’ social and environmental impacts: A value chain analysis of offshore wind development in the U.S.” Paper presented to the AIB US-Northeast 2022 Chapter Conference, Washington D.C. on October 15, 2022.
-Feng, JB, Liu, SY & Liu, LA, “How Global Identity Fosters Dynamic Capabilities in EMNEs? An Attention Based Case of Lenovo.” Paper presented to the 2022 Academy of International Business Annual Meeting, Miami, FL on July 7, 2022.
-Feng, JB, Long Island Offshore Wind Supply Chain: Achieve Economic Growth Through Sustainability & Innovation, Webinar presented to the IEEE Power & Energy Society, on October 6, 2022.
-Keyghobadi, R., Graphic Design in Iran: An Overview. Diversity in Design HistoryLecture and Workshop Series, Maine College of Art and Design (2022, March)
-Keyghobadi, R., Packed Liminal Spaces. Presented at Revealing | Recording | Reflecting, A speculative research on generations of women graphic designers from Southwest Asia and North Africa, and diaspora. A-Z Presents, Berlin, Germany (2022, May)
- Lee, M. A., & Joo, S. J. “Soccer as a Male Preserve in Shooting Stars.” Paper presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (NASSS), Las Vegas, NV on November 11, 2022.
-Lewison, M., (2021, November 19). A mind-boggling missing link: The New York Experience and the evolution of film-based show attractions [Paper presentation]. 4th Annual Themed Experience and Attractions Academic Symposium, Orlando, FL, United States.
Corporate Tax Rates.” / Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting (JLFA) Conference 2022
- Vasquez G., “CPA Evolution and Narrowing the Technology Skills Gap.” Paper presented to the New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants' Accounting Educators' Symposium, Video Webcast on October 26, 2022.
-Ye, X. & Haralick, Robert, Set Operator Theory Applied to Multidimensional Data, In: Perner, P. (Ed.) Advances in Data Mining, Applications and Theoretical Aspects, 22rd Industrial Conference, ICDM 2022, Poster Proceedings, pp. 31-42, ibai-publishing, ISBN 978-3-942952-92-7
-Zhang, X & Feng, JB, “Embedding Sustainability in Economics and Business Education.” Paper presented to the 74th NYSEA Annual Conference, Old Westbury, NY on October 8, 2022.
Honors &Awards:
-Keyghobadi, R., 2022 AIGA NY Mentorship Program
-Keyghobadi, R., The Individual Development Award, 2022, Farmingdale Sate College – SUNY
- Song, G., "Revisit Closed-End Fund Puzzles via Dynamic Capital Mobility" won the 2021 Academy of Economics and Finance Best Conference Paper Competition in Finance, presented at the 2021 Annual Conference and announced at the 2022 Annual Conference (Feb, 2022)
-Vogel, R., Elected President of the Mid-Atlantic Association of Colleges of Business Administration (MAACBA). October 2022.
Exhibitions & Creative works
-Harris, J., posters “A Cry for Ukraine” and “Ceasefire in Ukraine” are featured in The Graphis DESIGNERS FOR PEACE Exhibition world premiere in San Diego, presented by AIGA San Diego (formerly known as American Institute of Graphic Arts).
-Keyghobadi, R., The Heckscher Museum of Art, Huntington, NY 2022 Long Island Biennial Juried Exhibition
-Keyghobadi, R., Mills Pond Gallery, Smithtown, NY Little Black Book Juried Exhibition, July 23–August 27, 2022
-Keyghobadi, R., Memorial Gallery, Farmingdale State College, Farmingdale, NY, Space of Our Own, Online Group Art Exhibition, July 2022–Access by invitation