BCS Student Interns Offer Great Value for Employers
Professor Esposito reports that he continues to align students with many of the same employers, i. e. satisfied repeat customers! The strong reputation of CPIS students has attracted many new employers who are providing interesting and challenging internship opportunities for CPIS students. CPIS students have attracted large corporations such as LIRR, MTA, Con Edison, NYU/Langone, and UPS. The BCS interns have worked on a broad array of projects ranging from web development to network management.
Spring 2021 Update: Eight students have been placed with companies aligned with our internship program, and we expect to have at least a few more students hired and registered next week. With the exception of a student working in a call center and another working in technical support, all of our partnered companies have made arrangements for students to work remotely using secured VPN connections from the students’ homes. Covid19 has not stopped our program and we expect to continue to grow opportunities each year.