Professional Communications

Shannon Sarantakos

Assistant Professor 10 Months Email Knapp Hall

Dr. Shannon N. Fanning is an Assistant Professor in the Professional Communications Department. Her research interests center on visual rhetoric and data visualization in professional and technical communication settings. Dr. Fanning is particularly interested in the rhetorical complexity of scientific images and displays, especially as it contributes to communicating complex health information. Dr. Fanning's two current research projects address the visual rhetorical complexity of the images associated with the Zika virus and with Post-Partum Depression. The first focuses on the different and sometimes ineffective ways in which the Zika virus was visually represented to different publics during the 2015 epidemic. The second examines the ways in which mothers are represented in post-partum depression support groups and literature, and how these representations build upon deep-seated problematic assumptions about women and their relationships with motherhood, as well as limit hospitality and access by creating rhetorical boundaries that mothers seeking support must cross. Dr. Fanning also researches the way that different mental health issues and developmental disorders are portrayed via various media. She has published her research in Technical Communication Quarterly and POROI. She has also presented at her work at the Association for the Teachers of Technical Writing conference, Conference on College Composition and Communication, Council of Writing Program Administrators, as well as at several Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine preconferences.

Dr. Fanning enjoys teaching a variety of courses at Farmingdale, particularly Writing for Electronic Media, Advanced Technical Communication, and Visual Literacy. She holds a Ph.D. in Rhetoric & Professional Communication for Iowa State University. Prior to teaching, Dr. Fanning worked as a copywriter and editor for a variety of e-commerce companies and brands.

Courses Taught

PCM 311: Writing for Electronic Media

PCM 342: Visual Literacy 

PCM 420: Advanced Technical Communication



  • Ph.D. , Rhetoric & Professional Communications , Iowa State University , 2018
  • M.A., English (Writing Studies ), Montclair State University , 2012
  • B.A., Communications, Ramapo College of New Jersey , 2006 – Magna cum Laude

Certificates & Licensures

  • Teaching Writing , Montclair State University , 05/01/2012


  • Shannon Fanning, Collaborative composing: Demystifying the literature review and the writing process, together in C. Iverson and D. Ehrenfeld (Eds.), Processes, Genesco: SUNY UP (2023).
  • Shannon Fanning, Visual Representation & Visible Boundaries in Online Postpartum Depression Support Groups, Journal of Technical Writing & Communication, 53(2) 2022.
  • Shannon Fanning, Review of Diagnosing Madness: The Discursive Construction of the Psychiatric Patient, 1850-1920 Carol Berkenkotter and Cristina Hanganu-Bresch, Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, 4(3) 2022.
  • Shannon N. Fanning, Communicating an Outbreak through Different Visual Genres and Forms, Journal of Technical Writing & Communication, 52(4) 2022.
  • Shannon Fanning and JoAnne Durovich, Academic Mothering During COVID and Beyond: Online Social Supports and Increasing Inclusivity in the Academy, Journal of Mother Studies, (6) 2021.
  • Shannon N. Fanning, Following the narrative: Utilizing data visualization in the composition classroom to improve comprehension, recall, and understanding, Kairos, (25) 2020.
  • Shannon Fanning, #WearAMaskNY Public Service Announcements: Tactical Technical Communication During A Global Pandemic in M. Kimball and H. Sarat-St.Peter (Eds.), Tactical Approaches to Technical Communication, :.


  • Shannon N. Fanning, “Visual Intervention in Discussion of Mental Health: The Semicolon Tattoo as a Visual Boundary Object.” Panel presented at the Celebration of Scholarship, Farmingdale State College, on December 10, 2020.
  • Shannon Fanning, “Doing depression wrong. Hospitality – and lack thereof – in online postpartum support group visuals.” Panel accepted at the 19th Biennial Conference of the Rhetoric Society of America, on May 21, 2020.
  • Shannon Fanning, “Visual Representation & Visible Boundaries in Online Postpartum Depression Support Groups.” Presentation to the Louisiana Tech Symposium on Visual Literacy & Visual Communication, on February 1, 2020.
  • Shannon N. Fanning, “Images of Postpartum Depression Online – Problems with Representation and Opportunities for Inclusion.” Poster presented at the Celebration of Scholarship, Farmingdale State College., on November 5, 2019.
  • Shannon N. Fanning, “Don't underestimate me: Zika virus, visualizing data, and public accountability.” Presentation to the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing, Conference: Accountability in Technical Communication, on March 12, 2019.
Last Modified 2/2/22