Sport Management

Michael Fraina

Chair Email School of Business
Hello, I am Dr. Mickey Fraina. I have been an Assistant Professor of Sport Management at Farmingdale State College since 2016. Having grown up in nearby Westchester county, sport has always been one of my main passions. I earned my Bachelor's and Master's degrees from the University of Miami and Ph.D. from Ohio State University. My dissertation revolved around the influence of coaches and peers toward high school athletes' levels of motivation. I have a total of nine publcations addressing topics such as mentoring, interscholastic athletic issues, and sport specialization. During my time at FSC, I have also become involved with the University in the High School program, the Research-Aligned Mentorship program, and SUNY University Faculty Senate.

Courses Taught

SMT 110- Introduction to Sport Management
SMT 225- Sport Marketing
SMT 304- Sport Finance
SMT 311- Sport Law
SMT 323- Contracts, Negotiations, & Collective Bargaining Agreements in Sport
SMT 340- Sport Facility Management
SMT 370- Research in Sport Management
SMT 485W- Research in Sport Management


  • Ph.D., Sport Management, Ohio State University, 2017
  • M.S. Ed., Sport Administration, University of Miami, 2009
  • B.S. Ed., Sport Administration, University of Miami, 2008


  • Michael Fraina, "A Mixed-Methods Approach to Identifying Participation Issues Pertinent in Interscholastic Sports", Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, 18(1) 2024, 67-90.
  • Michael Fraina, "A Mixed-Methods Approach to Identifying Coaches and Officials Issues Pertinent in Interscholastic sports", Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 15(2) 2022, 65-87.
  • Michael Fraina, "A Mixed-Methods Approach to Identifying Ethical Issues Pertinent in Interscholastic Athletics", The Physical Educator, 79(2) 2022, 157-188.
  • Michael Fraina, "Arbitration" in Encyclopedia of Sport Management, : (2021).
  • Michael Fraina, "Interscholastic Athletics" in P. Pedersen and L. Thibault (Eds.), Contemporary Sport Management (7th ed.), Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics (2021), pp. 185-209.
  • Michael Fraina, "Youth Sport Specialization vs. Diversification: The Debate Continues", Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual, 36(1) 2021, 133-153.
  • Michael Fraina, "Examination of Social Influence Toward Need Satisfaction of High School Student-Athletes", The Physical Educator, 77(4) 2020, 707-729.
  • Michael Fraina, "Mentoring Relationships Among Athletes, Coaches, and Athletic Administrators: A Literature Review", Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education, 14(2) 2020, 140-164.
  • Michael Fraina, "A Mixed-Methods Approach to Identifying Decision-Making Issues Pertinent in Interscholastic Athletics", Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual, 35(1) 2020, 114-145.
  • Michael Fraina, "A Mixed-Methods Approach to Identifying Administration Issues Pertinent in Interscholastic Sports", Journal of Amateur Sport, 6(1) 2020, 1-31.
  • Michael Fraina, "Faculty and Student Perspectives Toward Best Practices of Undergraduate Research Mentoring Programs" in NETWORK: A Journal of Faculty Development, : (2020).
  • Michael Fraina, "Interscholastic Athletics" in P. Pedersen and L. Thibault (Eds.), Contemporary Sport Management (6th ed.), Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics (2018), pp. 142-165.
  • Michael Fraina, "A Proposal for a Rating System for Sport Management/Sport Administration Programs", Global Sport Business Journal, 5(2) 2017, 51-60.
Michael Fraina
Last Modified 2/2/22