History Politics & Geography

Emily A Fogarty

Associate Professor 10 Months Email Memorial Hall

Courses Taught

GIS101 The Digital Earth
GEO211 The World and Its Peoples
GEO201 Physical Geography/Physical Geography Lab
GIS222 Geovisualization I 
GIS301 GIScience
GEO323 Urban Geography
GEO330 Environmental Geography
GIS331 Spatial Analysis I
GIS332 Spatial Analysis II
GIS351 GIS and Public Health
GIS353 GIS and Public Education
GIS391 Practicum in GIS
GIS491 Senior Seminar in GIS
GIS492 Internship in GIS



  • PhD, Geography and Environmental Science (Geography), Florida State Univeristy, 2009


  • Emily A. Fogarty, Visualizing the relationship between geographic and social media network space., GeoJournal: an international journal on human geography and environmental sciences, 86 2020, 2483-2500.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, Using Maps to Promote Meaningful Interactions in Geography Classroom Discussions., Faculty Resource Network, A National Symposium, (Critical Conversations and the Academy) 2019.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, Using Geospatial Education and Geographic Information Science (GISC) Technologies to Enhance Student Engagement in Research Aligned Mentorship Opportunities, Faculty Resource Network, The National Symposium, (Teaching a New Generation of Students) 2017.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, Sheng Li, Richard Vogel and Nanda Viswanathan, "A Visualization of the Geoeconomic Relationships Linking Coastal Commercial Marine and Fishing Firms to Tourism Activities found on Long Island, New York.” in Proceedings of the New York State Economics Association, Volume 10, : (2017), 3-12.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, Modifiable Areal Unit Problem in Encyclopedia of Geography, : (2010).
  • Emily A. Fogarty, Network Analysis of U.S. Hurricanes in J.B. Elsner and T. Jagger (Eds.), Hurricanes and Climate Change, New York: Springer (2009).
  • Emily A. Fogarty, Visibility network of U.S. hurricanes, Geophysical Research Letters, 36 2009.


  • Emily A. Fogarty, “Visualizing Trending Twitter Topics Amid the COVID19 Pandemic.” Paper presented to the AAG 2022 NYC Annual Meeting, New York City on February 25, 2022.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, “Visualizing COVID19 Twitter Conversation Topics.” Paper presented to the Research for the Public Good, virtual on October 27, 2021.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, “Military and civilian space exploring the intersection between science, technology, education, and policy: A review and analysis of the existing literature.” Presentation to the Space Education & Strategic Applications 2021 Conference, Virtual on September 23, 2021.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, “Visualizing COVID19 Twitter Conversations during the 2020 Election.” Presentation to the Celebration of Scholarship 2020, Farmingdale State College, Virtual on December 10, 2020.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, “Visualizing COVID19 Twitter Conversations during the 2020 Election.” Presentation to the Long Island GIS User Fall 2020 Conference (LIGIS), Virtual on November 19, 2020.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, “Geospatial Technology and Geographic Inquiry Integration in the K12 classroom: A review and analysis of the existing literature.” Paper presented to the American Association of Geographers Conference, Denver, CO - Virtual due to COVID19 on April 9, 2020.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, “Using Maps to Promote Meaningful Interactions in Geography Classroom Discussions.” Paper presented to the , on November 22, 2019.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, “Using Node XL and Network Analysis to Map and Analyze Social Media Landscapes.” Presentation to the Long Island GIS User Conference, Stony Brook University on November 14, 2018.
  • Stevie Famulari, Nicholas Menchyk, Garrett Beier and Emily A. Fogarty, “Geographic Information System Mapping of the Robert F. Ench Teaching Gardens.” Poster presented at the Celebration of Scholarship, Farmingdale State College, Farmingdale, NY on October 30, 2018.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, “Using Node XL and Network Analysis to Map and Analyze Social Media Landscapes.” Presentation to the Long Island GIS User Conference, Farmingdale College on April 25, 2018.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, “The Geography of the Tattoo Parlor - Long Island, New York.” Poster presented at the American Association of Geographers Conference, New Orleans, LA. on April 13, 2018.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, “A Visualization of the Geoeconomic Relationships Linking Coastal Commercial Marine and Fishing Firms to Tourism Activities found on Long Island, New York.” Paper presented to the New York State Economics Association 2017 Annual Conference, Farmingdale State College, State University of New York, Farmingdale, NY on October 7, 2017.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, “Mapping and Analyzing select New York State Counties for Potential High School Partners in Support of the Proposed Advanced Placement Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIS&T) Course.” Presentation to the American Association of Geographers, Boston on April 6, 2017.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, “Using Geospatial Education and Geographic Information Science Technologies to Enhance Student Engagement in Research Aligned Mentorship Opportunities.” Paper presented to the Teaching a New Generation of Students: A National Symposium, Atlanta, GA on November 18, 2016.
  • Emily A. Fogarty, “Mapping and Analyzing Social Media Landscapes to Understand Music Venue Customer Satisfaction, Long Island, New York.” Panel Organizer at the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, CA on March 31, 2016.
  • Emily A. Fogarty and James B. Elsner, “A Network Analysis of U.S. Hurricanes.” Paper presented to the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Boston, MA on April 17, 2008.
Emily A Fogarty
Last Modified 2/2/22