English & Humanities

Edward Plough

Associate Professor 10 Months Email Knapp Hall
Dr. Plough's Shakespeare scholarship has been published in Penn State's Interdisciplinary Literary Studies: A Journal of Criticism and Theory (2015), as a chapter in News from the Raven: Essays from Sam Houston State University On Medieval and Renaissance Thought (2014), and has been presented at national conferences ranging from the Shakespeare Association of America's annual meeting to the biennial Blackfriars Conference in Staunton, Virginia. Dr. Plough is currently working on a book that will examine musical theatre adaptation of Shakespeare and also an article on Sir Phillip Sidney's poetry in Arcadia. In addition to his scholarship, Dr. Plough is also a co-composer for musical theater, and has (so far!) composed four full-length musicals with his longtime collaborators, Stephen Clark and Kalena Dickerson Chevalier.
Edward Plough
Last Modified 2/2/22