Computer Systems

Arthur Hoskey

Professor 10 Months Email Whitman Hall
Arthur's teaching philosophy is based on the Seven Principles of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education by Chickering and Gamson. Arthur strives to create a classroom that is conducive to learning. Student participation and engagement in the learning process are his most important goals. Arthur received the 2017 Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching from the State University of New York. Arthur's two recent research areas were related to Agile Software Development and Computational Thinking. Arthur has worked on several other lines of research. One line of research was a collaboration with faculty from around the State University of New York on a project to explore and develop a semi-standardized and accessible introduction to computer science course (SUNY IITG funded research). Another line of research was the development of software that facilitates student learning, a simulated operating systems called SimpleOS that allows students to run simple programs and visually see the state of the simulated memory, registers, and process queues. Finally, he worked on a collaboration with the Farmingdale State College Center for Applied Mathematics (CAMS) and Brookhaven National Labrotories (BNL) on a program designed to have undergraduate students perform research in the area of Signal Analysis. Arthur has been involved in numerous campus activities such as the CTLT advisory board, CTLT New Faculty Workshops, Mentoring Communities, College-wide Curriculum Committee, advisor to the Computer Tech Club, and various department committees.

Courses Taught

BCS 101 Programming Concepts and Problem Solving
BCS 110 Special Topics: Introduction to Computer Science and Information Technology (supported by SUNY IITG grant)
BCS 120 Foundations of Computer Programming I
BCS 230 Foundations of Computer Programming II
BCS 345 Java Programming
BCS 360 Programming in SQL
BCS 370 Data Structures
BCS 415 Operating Systems Internals and Design
BCS 421 Android Mobile Application Development (using Kotlin and Java)
BCS 425 Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing
BCS 426 C# Programming
BCS 427 Game Programming
BCS 430W Senior Project (Writing Intensive)
CSC 211 Computer Programming II
CSC 229 Data Structures and Algorithms I
CSC 311 Advanced Programming
CSC 329 Data Structures and Algorithms II
CSC 345 Compiler Construction and Design


  • PhD, Computer Science (Computational Linguistics and Machine Learning), City University of New York Graduate Center, 2008
  • MS, Computer Science, Hofstra University, 1993
  • BA, Psychology (Minor: Mathematics), State University of New York at Purchase, 1991


  • Arthur Hoskey and Sen Zhang, Computational Thinking: What does it really mean for the K-16 Computer Science Education Community., Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 32(3) 2017, 129-135.
  • Cynthia Hoskey and Arthur Hoskey, Cultivating Sprightly Students: Using Agile Development in an Information Systems Capstone Course, , 2016, 88-99.
  • Arthur Hoskey, Sen Zhang, Howard Reed and Cynthia Marcello, Sharing the preliminary outcomes of designing a semi-standardized accessible concept-based introduction to computing course curriculum, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 31(3) 2016, 6.
  • Sen Zhang, Cynthia Marcello, Howard Reed, Arthur Hoskey and James Antonakos, Preliminary Analysis of the 2014 Snapshot of the SUNY Gatekeeper Courses, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 30(6) 2015, 6.
  • Arthur Hoskey, Simple OS: A Component-Based Operating System Simulator in the Spirit of the Little Man, Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges, 28(6) 2013, 117-124.
  • Arthur Hoskey and Paula Maurino, Beyond Introductory Programming: Success Factors for Advanced Programming, Information Systems Education Journal, 9(5) 2011.
Arthur Hoskey
Last Modified 2/2/22