Women, Life, Freedom: A Multinational Perspective of the Oppressed in Iran

A multicultural Perspective of the Oppressed in Iran

Pitctures of presentersPresenters:

Aylin Fazelian: Member of Swedish Parliament 

Nahid Farhad: Human Rights Activist

Mehdi Jalail Tehrani: Political Activist

Vahid Qarabgli: Turkish Language Activist

Mona Silavi: Women Rights Activist

Tara Azizi: Human Rights Lawyer

Dr. Azim Shirani: Speakerman of Baluchistan Cooperation Council

Professor Nahid Jafari: Host & Co-organizer

March 31, 2023
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Virtual Event

Thank you to all of our attendees, we look forward to seeing you at future events.

Last Modified 11/2/23