BCS 250: JavaScript

This course introduces students to Web scripting languages.  Students will utilize variables, objects, and events in the creation of Web pages with JavaScript.  They will learn techniques such as control of flow, windows, frames, forms, debugging techniques, and dynamic HTML. Credits: 3.00


(BCS 120 or BCS 185) and BCS 130

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course, students will:

  1. Learn how to use JavaScript with well-formed Web pages.
  2. Utilize variables, functions, objects and events in the creation of web pages with JavaScript.
  3. Write JavaScript code that controls the Web browser through the browser object model.
  4. Use JavaScript to make sure data was entered properly into form fields and to perform other types of preprocessing before form data is sent to a server.
  5. Include object-oriented programming techniques in JavaScript programs.
  6. Learn techniques and tools that can be used to trace and resolve errors in JavaScript programs.
  7. Add animation and interactivity to Web pages using the Document Object Model (DOM) and Dynamic HTML (DHTML).


  • Kroenke & Auer - Database Concepts, 6th Edition, ISBN 0132742926
  • Forta - SAMS Teach Yourself SQL in 10 minutes, 4th Edition, ISBN 0672336073
  • Goldberg - XML: Visual Quick Start Guide, 2nd Edition, ISBN 0321559673


Students will build and develop an interactive Web site that incorporates an image map, event handlers, various methods, a form, and the use of buttons to change an image on the screen.