June 11, 2021
To the Campus Community:
The College recently informed the campus that New York’s remote work policy will expire
on July 2, 2021. Therefore, effective Tuesday, July 6, 2021 it is expected that all full-time and part-time 12-month employees return fully
to their regular on-campus work schedules.
In order to discuss the return to campus, I will be holding a virtual Town Hall meeting
on Wednesday, June 16 at 11:00 a.m.
To join the Town Hall, access the Microsoft Teams Meeting by logging in with your Farmingdale account. During the meeting, questions may be
submitted by email to fedderc@farmingdale.edu.
Please keep in mind that the College does not have the latitude to implement its own
remote work/telecommuting policy and must rely on the direction from the Governor’s
Office of Employee Relations. Accordingly, in preparation for this transition, it
is strongly recommended that employees phase-in their return to on-campus work during
the two weeks prior to July 6, 2021 (June 21 – July 2) for at least two days each
For the most up-to-date information, please continue to visit The COVID Hub.
Join the Town Hall on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the Microsoft Teams meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 929-352-1532,,391498350# United States, New York City
Phone Conference ID: 391 498 350#
John Nader