2nd Annual Ignite Symposium: Nominate Your Students Today!
Dear Faculty:
We are very excited to announce the second annual IGNITE Symposium for students to be held on March 29 in the Campus Center Ballroom!
IGNITE is a celebration of our students' academic work in the areas of Undergraduate Research, Applied Learning, and Civic
Engagement through poster sessions and presentations. The Symposium is open to all
students who have completed (or are in the process of completing) academic work in any of these three areas during this
academic year. Students will have an opportunity to showcase their work in a traditional
poster presentation session or in a TEDTalk-style presentation.
We are currently seeking students from all academic majors to present their research,
applied learning experiences, or civically-minded engagement opportunities. We ask that you nominate or encourage a student in your courses and/or program to
apply to be an IGNITE presenter/speaker! To do so, please visit the IGNITE webpage and complete the nomination form. Should you have any questions about the process or nomination qualifications, please
contact RAM Director Dylan Gafarian.
IGNITE began as an effort to realign and recommit ourselves to excellence in undergraduate
student scholarship. Our inaugural event last year saw over 100 students share their
posters and oral presentations from most of our academic majors. As we enter our second
event, I am hopeful that with your assistance, this year's presentation will rival
the success of last year.
Please feel free to reach out to Dylan or me if you have any questions. Please share
this wonderful opportunity with your students!
Christopher Malone, PhD
Associate Provost