To the Campus Community:
In the coming weeks the College will initiate two significant changes in its organizational
structure. These changes will better position us to sustain our success in the increasingly
competitive environment of higher education.
This month the College will launch a search for a new Vice President of Enrollment.
We have retained Academic Search, a nationally prominent firm with expertise in higher
education and skill in recruiting deep and diverse candidate pools. Recruitment and
enrollment are key to Farmingdale’s continued success. I anticipate this national
search will conclude sometime late in the fall semester.
Also, effective this month, Chris Maio, our Chief Communications Officer, will become
a member of the Cabinet reporting directly to me. We expect to make additional investments
in Marketing and Communications to maintain and raise the College’s profile both on
Long Island and more broadly.
I'm very grateful to Vice Presidents Matt Colson and Greg O’Connor who took on the
added responsibilities of overseeing MarComm and Enrollment, respectively, over the
past year or more. Both Greg and Matt took on these areas at a time of significant
transition and turnover. The College’s enrollment prospects remain good, and Matt
has elevated the work of the MarComm team and overseen a strategic branding and marketing
initiative. This has given us a clear sense of how and where we can improve our brand,
visibility and recognition.
Finally, we recently hired Kim Parris as Director of Special Events and Scheduling.
Farmingdale receives hundreds of requests, both internal and external, to host and
sponsor events. In addition, we hold a number of College-wide events of importance
to our students, faculty and staff. Kim will assist us in both arranging and enhancing
these events. Her work will help FSC raise its visibility among external groups and
improve our internal events and celebrations. The events position will be housed within
the Administration and Finance area.
John Nader