February 1, 2023
To Faculty and Staff:
I am extremely pleased to announce that the College is appropriating over $550,000
for the purpose of adjusting full-time UUP professional staff and tenure track faculty
salaries. As a result, more than half of eligible full-time faculty and professionals
will receive a raise.
This money is being allocated to address staff salaries in order to improve recruitment
and retention in light of the external job market.
One of the primary goals of this effort was to address salaries for those at the lower
end of the salary scale. Therefore, professional employees earning more than $80,000 and faculty earning more
than $90,000 were not eligible for an award. Decisions regarding the specific salary levels and the amounts of the increases were
driven by detailed analysis of market data to identify measurable disparity. As well,
a comparative analysis identified starting salaries or salaries of junior employees
that may be low. The results are purely data driven and this allocation is independent
of the more than $500,000 which was recently paid out for compression and discretionary
increases as provided under the UUP Collective Bargaining Agreement. In short, the
College is awarding salary enhancements that nearly total the sum recently awarded
in compression and discretionary funding that was authorized by the State and the
collective bargaining agreement.
Salary Adjustments for full-time permanent track UUP Professional Staff are the following:
- Professional employees in an SL2 grade level position will have their salary increased
to a minimum of $50,000.
- Professional employees in an SL3 grade level position will have their salary increased
to a minimum of $55,000.
- Professional employees identified as having a salary disparity will receive a $2,600
salary adjustment.
- Professional employees with at least 2 years of full time FSC employment earning less
than $80,000, who are not included in the categories listed above, will receive a
$1,600 salary adjustment.
Salary Adjustments for full-time tenure track faculty are the following:
- All faculty will be brought to minimum salary of $75,000.
- Faculty identified as having a salary disparity will receive an adjustment of $2,800.
- Faculty with at least 2 years of full time FSC employment earning less than $90,000,
who are not included in categories listed above, will receive a $1,600 salary adjustment.
These raises are effective February 2, 2023 and will be seen in the paycheck of March
1, 2023. These salary adjustments will be added to the employee’s base pay. Please
note the LIEOC is not included in this analysis and will be addressed separately.
John Nader