January 9, 2023
To Faculty and Staff:
As outlined in the College’s Internal Control Program, effective internal control systems are crucial to the College’s success in achieving
its mission and goals. Fortunately, as a result of our strong control systems and the commitment of our employees,
the College is able to achieve its goals and successfully manage the challenges of
today’s ever-changing global conditions.
The Internal Control Program requires each assessable unit to complete an internal
control self-assessment. These self-assessments are intended to identify departmental
risks, compliance requirements, and gaps in internal controls in order to examine
deficiencies and take steps towards corrective actions to mitigate risks to the College.
Department heads will soon be receiving a link to the self-assessment.
While the campus has demonstrated that it has an effective system of internal controls
in place, we want to take this opportunity to remind you that should you suspect fraud,
waste, abuse, or irregular activity within the campus community you can call the Fraud
Hotline at 934-420-2083 or visit the fraud web page to anonymously report concerns.
I ask that you continue to support our Internal Control Program, as it is most effective with the cooperation of all employees.
If you have any questions regarding Internal Control, please contact the Internal
Control Office at 934-420-5688.
John Nader