2024 SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference (SURC)
Dear Colleagues,
I am very pleased to share with you that registration and abstract submission for the SUNY Undergraduate
Research Conference (SURC) is now open!
This year’s events will be hosted by the University at Buffalo (April 15, 2024) and Suffolk County Community College (April 26, 2024). View the SUNY SURC Save the Dates flyer here.
Because students and mentors from ALL academic disciplines are invited to participate in SURC, I ask that you share this
opportunity widely with your students.
More SURC information will be issued in the coming weeks – watch SUNY.edu/SURC for details; questions should be submitted to SURC@SUNY.edu. Please note that registration fees for the conference can be paid using CPD points,
for further information on how to use the points, please contact Karen Gelles at gelleska@farmingdale.edu or 934-420-2420.
Thank you for your support in promoting the upcoming SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference.
Laura Joseph, EdD
Senior Vice President and Provost