February 2, 2023
To Faculty and Staff:
In order to align with Federal, New York State, and SUNY policies and best practices,
the College is required to obtain acceptance that its employees have read and agree
to FSC’s Acceptable Use Policy for Computer Facilities.
When logging into any Farmingdale system that utilizes Single Sign On (SSO), such
as the myFSC dashboard or email, on Friday, February 3, 2023, you will be prompted to read and agree to the Acceptable Use Policy. You will not
be able to access the Farmingdale systems until this is completed.
You may view this policy at any time on the Policies page on the FSC website.
For additional information, please contact Helpdesk at helpdesk@farmingdale.edu or 934-420-2754.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Jeff Borah
Director of Information Technology