Upcoming Training—Active Shooter
To the Campus:
Farmingdale State College University Police will be conducting a large-scale active
shooter training along with Suffolk County PD and other outside agencies on June 21,
2023. The School of Business building as well as staff parking lot #12 will be unavailable
to campus users in order to accommodate the large number of outside participants who
will cycle on and off campus during the exercise.
We are looking for volunteers who would be willing to simulate victims for this training.
The times for which volunteers will be needed are 7:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and/or 10:30
a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Anyone who may be interested should email Chief Daugherty directly
at daughed@farmingdale.edu. All others should please keep clear of the School of Business and Lot #12 for the
duration of the day.
Training exercises such as this are vital to the safety and security of our campus.
They also provide an opportunity to engage with other law enforcement agencies so
that we may share best practices and foster a spirit of collaboration. My thanks to
Chief Daugherty for his outstanding leadership and to our entire campus community
for their support.
Gregory O'Connor
Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer