A Shell-of-a-Problem
All members of the campus community are invited to attend a research presentation
by President Prezant on one of his various studies, the pesky Asian clam Corbicula fluminea. “It’s a Shell-of-a-Problem: The Asian Clam Conundrum” looks at this nightmare of
a mollusk and its tricks for dominating freshwater systems and even shutting down
power plants. Attend this engaging presentation on October 17 at 11 a.m. to see what we might learn about this shelled denizen of our freshwaters that may
help us better understand climate change.
A marine biologist, President Prezant has more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals,
many co-authored by students, and has generated more than $20 million in external
support for research and program development.
Visit the event page for more information and to RSVP.