FSC Strategic Plan Draft & Survey
Sent on behalf of the FSC Committee on Planning and Resource Allocation
To the Campus Community:
The Committee on Planning and Resource Allocation (CPRA) at Farmingdale State College cordially invites you to a Town Hall to review and comment on the draft
of the 2023-2028 Farmingdale State College Strategic Plan. The Town Hall will take
place virtually via Teams on May 15, 2023, at 11:00 a.m.
CPRA implemented some of the suggestions from the previous survey in the current draft.
If you are unable to attend the meeting, please send your comments and suggestions
to pbc@farmingdale.edu.
Review the Strategic Plan draft here.
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 291 824 373 578
Passcode: YqjdTt
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Or call in (audio only):
+1 929-352-1532,,252706214# United States, New York City
Phone Conference ID: 252 706 214#
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