FSC Strategic Plan Survey
Sent on behalf of the FSC Committee on Planning and Resource Allocation
November 9, 2022
To Farmingdale Faculty and Staff:
Farmingdale State College invites you to participate in a survey to assist in planning
and developing the strategic goals of the College for the next five years. As part
of the development of a strategic plan, the Farmingdale State College Committee on
Planning and Resource Allocation (CPRA) has prepared the survey comprised of proposed
strategic objectives and priorities for the next strategic plan. Please follow this link to the survey.
Please indicate the internal institutional strengths you think are greatest and should
be maintained, as well as areas of improvement that FSC should consider to fulfill its mission.
Please also identify what you deem to be the most important external opportunities
and vulnerabilities that may impact our current and future operating environment.
To respond to each objective, arrange the statements in order of importance. If you
have no opinion on a particular objective, skip to the next objective.
At the end of each screen of objectives, there is a blank text box where you can enter your suggestions or comments on that section. If you feel something has been left out of the plan, please enter it in one of these boxes.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your opinions are very important
to the completion of the strategic plan.
Kathy Machin
Meeghan Rogers
CPRA Co-Chairs