FEC Standing Committee Open Seats
Dear Colleagues,
First, a huge thank you to all who have served on standing committees and other service
opportunities over this past academic year. This institution and our model of Shared
Governance relies on our members’ commitment and service to the Campus.
Congratulations to the winners of the 2023-2024 Standing Committee Elections. See
the updated Standing Committee membership list reflecting the winners of this upcoming year's election cycle. This list will be
updated on the Governance website in the upcoming weeks.
If you are not currently holding a seat on a standing committee but are interested
in volunteering to fill a vacant seat, please complete the Volunteer Survey. Follow the question prompts to determine your eligibility and to indicate which
committee(s) you have an interest in serving.
We are currently in need of volunteers to fill the committee seats listed below (note that other volunteer seats may open up over the course of the next academic year):
- Admissions and Academic Standards Committee: School of Business (term ending in 2025). This committee meets as needed.
- Bylaws Committee: Faculty at Large #4. This committee meets as needed.
- College-Wide Scholarship and Awards Committee: Professional from Student Affairs (full
term ending in 2026). This committee meets as needed.
- Farmingdale Executive Committee: School of Business (cannot be from the department
of Business Management) for a full term ending in 2026. FEC meets Fridays 9:30 AM
- 11 AM.
- Governance Health and Safety Committee: School of Arts & Sciences: Science (full term
ending in 2026). This committee meets as needed.
- Planning and Budget Committee: Library (full term ending in 2026). This committee
meets as needed.
- Selection Committee for Chancellor’s Excellence Awards for Faculty: School of Arts
and Sciences: Arts (full term ending in 2026). This committee meets as needed.
- Selection Committee for Chancellor’s Excellence Awards for Professional Service: Professional
at Large #5 (term ending in 2025). This committee meets as needed.
- Selection Committee for Distinguished Faculty Ranks: School of Arts & Sciences: Sciences
(term ending in 2025). This committee meets as needed.
- Selection Committee for Distinguished Faculty Ranks: Faculty member holding a Distinguished
Faculty Rank (term ending in 2026). This committee meets as needed.
Thank you, again, to everyone who has demonstrated their commitment to shared governance
here at Farmingdale State College.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Have a wonderful summer!
Sarah T. Gross, PhD
Chair and Professor, Biology Department
Chair, Farmingdale Executive Committee