Now Live: 2024 FSCNow Magazine
To the Campus Community:
I’m proud to share the 2024 issue of FSCNow, the annual magazine of Farmingdale State College.
With a special message from President Nader, this edition includes feature stories
on laboratories, flexible learning, and academic opportunities, with profiles of our
exceptional students, faculty, and alumni.
I would like to recognize the exceptional writing, photography, and design that has
brought this issue to life, and to thank all those who took the time to share their
stories with us, participate in photo shoots, and provide background and quotes.
You’ll be seeing print editions of the magazine around campus and can view it on the
FSCNow microsite as well. Please share these stories on your online and social media channels, as
we continue to raise the profile of FSC and our distinctive programs, partnerships,
and people.
Chris Maio
Chief Marketing & Communications Officer