Gradescope presents - Get Started with Gradescope Workshop

Join us for an online workshop and learn how instructors use Gradescope. The workshop will offer guidance on delivery of assignments that are paper-based. In this workshop you will learn how to:

-Use Gradescope inside of Brightspace

-Set up assignments where students can submit freeform work

-Grade your existing exams on Gradescope

-Make rubric changes as you grade

- changes apply to previously graded work to maintain consistency

-Write each comment only once

- apply previously used comments with a click

-Use ‘assignment analytics’ to gain insight into student learning Interested in learning more? Register today! If you can't attend live, register to receive a follow-up email with a recording.

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SEP 20, 2024
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1:00 PM
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Virtual Event
Last Modified 10/17/24