ReadSpeaker: Delivering a compelling STEM experience: making STEM content inclusive, accessible and engaging

Vendor training from ReadSpeaker:
Join our upcoming webinar, where we will joined by Koen Malfait and Bert Deneine from Vive and also hear from Brett Dalton, our Moodle partner. ReadSpeaker's Jarno Aantjes will moderate the webinar.
During this discussion, the experts will explore:
  • Why STEM learning platforms must be more than theoretically usable and go beyond simply ticking boxes for web accessibility.
  • What tools content authors require to create accessible STEM content, as well as the tools learners need to interact with that content.
  • How text to speech extends the reach of learning products—and what additional inclusivity-boosting solutions you can leverage to serve even more STEM users.
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MAY 21, 2024
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8:30 PM - 9:18 PM
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Virtual Event
Last Modified 10/17/24