Mastermind Group-Developing the Leader Within You 2/0

You are invited to a fall Virtual Mastermind Group study on the book, “Developing the Leader Within You 2.0” by John C. Maxwell. 

Together, in this 10-week HANDS ON course, we’ll discuss how you can develop yourself to become an effective leader, to reduce your workload and increase your impact.  This course is led by Christina Loggia, M.S. Ed., SBDC Business Advisor and Certified John Maxwell Team Facilitator. 

Weekly Outline:

Week 1- Influence                                 Week 6 – Attitude

Week 2 - Priorities                                Week 7 – Serving People

Week 3 - Character                               Week 8 – Vision

Week 4 – Creating Positive Change      Week 9 – Self Discipline

Week 5– Problem Solving                     Week 10 – Personal Growth 

The Cost is $60.  Registration deadline is Friday, September 18. The book is optional but recommended and worksheets will be used in class. Maximum 15 people. 

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SEP 28, 2021
thru OCT 30, 2021
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10:00 AM - 11:30 PM
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Virtual Event
Last Modified 8/26/21