2021 Plant Sale

The annual Plant Sale at Farmingdale State College will take place Tuesday-Wednesday, May 25-26, at Parking lot #2 outside of the horticulture gates. The sale will run from 9 AM – 5 PM, rain or shine.

The gardens are located off the north Rte. 110 entrance to the campus.  Drive 1,000 feet and park in the lot on the left.  The public is invited to come support Long Island horticulture students and the Robert F. Ench Teaching Gardens.

The Sale will feature a wide variety of flowering plants, edible plants, perennials, trees/shrubs, house plants, and succulents. Cash, check and credit card are all accepted forms of payment this year.

Please bring your own cart/wagon for convenience and COVID-19 cleanliness.

You must wear a mask and observe social distancing rules.

All Proceeds from Plant Sale benefit Farmingdale Horticulture Students and the Robert F. Ench Teaching Gardens

Calendar Icon
MAY 25, 2021
thru MAY 26, 2021
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9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Map Marker Icon
Lot #2: Police/Garden Gate
Last Modified 5/4/21