Suburban Health Equity Presentation by Dr. Martine Hackett, Birth Justice Warriors

The Social Science Research Institute of the Nexus Center for Applied Learning & Career Development is proud to sponsor the presentation on Suburban Health Equity by Dr. Martine Hackett, co-founder of the Birth Justice Warriors.

"Residential segregation is a ‘fundamental cause’ of health disparities and suburban Nassau County, NY is one of the most racially segregated areas in the United States.  Since the mid-twentieth century, residential segregation by race was embedded into the creation of many communities through policies, law, and practice.  Looking at just a few health indicators by race/ethnicity in Nassau County demonstrates the large disparities: diabetes prevalence among Latinos is twice that of whites, maternal mortality rates are two and a half times as high for Black vs. white women and infant mortality is more than four times higher among Black infants than white infants.  And the overall life expectancy is an average of four years shorter for Black men compared to white men born in the same year, living in the same county. This talk will explore the construction and effects of suburban health inequality in Nassau County, the nation’s “first suburb”. 

This presentation is part of the Nexus Center SSRI Social Justice Speaker Series.

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APR 8, 2021
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11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
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Virtual Event
Last Modified 1/30/24